one hundred and fifty one: trying to leave

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it was early in the morning, around three a.m. according to the alarm clock on the nightstand next to his bed. you let out a small sigh, looking back over at him sleeping peacefully. you didn't want to leave him, but you didn't want to stay here all night. you had an apartment of your own to get back to.

you leaned down to grab your shoes, starting to put them on as you then stood up. reid felt the shift in the bed as you walked out of the room and towards his den as you started to grab your keys and your jacket along with your bag.

as you were about to walk towards the door, you heard reid mutter your name.

you turned around to see him leaning in the bedroom doorway, yawning slightly.

"where are you going?" he asked.

you smiled over at him, turning away from the door.

"home," you told him softly.

"why?" he frowned, standing up as he began to walk towards you.

"well, i need to get some sleep in my own bed. plus, i have my own house to go take care of. i mean, spence, i have some things to do at home," you told him as he got closer to you.

he reached his hand up to your hair as he ran his fingers through it gently before running his fingers down your arm as you smiled to yourself.

"spence, i need to get home," you told him softly.

"why won't you just stay?" he asked. "i like you being here. i want you here."

you looked back up at him. "but," you began but he shook his head.

"no, ______, just stay," he muttered softly to you, his eyes staring down into yours. you kept staring up at his, admiring how desperately he wanted you here. "please."

you kept staring up at him before you eventually caved.

"okay," you said softly.

he smiled, taking the keys, jacket, and bag away from you before he grabbed your hand in his as he brought you back to the bedroom.

"what made you wake up?" he questioned as he brought you into the bed as he pulled you close to him. he didn't want to let go of you.

you shrugged a little.

"i'm not really sure, spence," you replied softly. "i don't know if it was me worrying about getting home this early in the morning or if it was me concerned about a new case. i don't know."

"if something is on your mind, you can tell me," he muttered into your hair. you closed your eyes, moving closer to him as he took notice to this.

"are you okay?" he asked, still keeping you close.

"yeah, spence," you replied, tightening your hold on his hand that he let you hold. "i'm okay."

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