one hundred and seventy two: missing unsub (part one)

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gunshot to your side and you felt like you were about to pass out- or on the verge of doing so. your head was light and you felt dizzy and loopy. you held the small cloth onto your bleeding side but that didn't stop it from bleeding at all. it was already soaked.

you called reid, pulling out your phone as you put it on speaker phone. you got yourself comfortable against a wall, pressing the bloody cloth further onto your wound.

"______? oh my god, ______?" he said.

you felt tears coming to your eyes.

"spence," you began. "it's bad."

you felt a few tears slip down your cheeks as you looked upwards towards the hole in the roof of the barn you were in.

"______? you gotta tell us where you are, baby. you have to, i cannot lose you," he told you. your eyes searched the stars as you tried to remember.

"i'm at a barn," you told him. "but, i can't. i don't know exactly where. i cant remember. spence, i can't remember. what do i do? i-"

"hey, hey, doll, let's take it slow. okay? just breathe, breathe," he told you over the phone as you nodded, taking slow inhales and exhales. "let's start again. you're at a barn?"

you nodded. "yes."

"what's distinct about your surroundings in the barn or outside of it?" he asked as you began to search.

"there's a giant hole in the roof. it's red, white trim. it has no animals in it. i can see a building from where i'm sitting. the lights are on inside of it and there's a red truck parked outside," you began to describe, feeling your grip on the bloody cloth getting looser. "it's so cold," you muttered.

reid got confused, asking garcia to check the weather. when he discovered the temperature was upwards of eighty two degrees, his gut suddenly got twisted in two.

"_____, doll, stay with me," he said softly as you nodded, still staring up at the sky.

"the stars are pretty tonight, spence. have you seen them?" you asked. "they're all bright and blurry. it's like the colors are mixing."

"colors? baby, the stars are just white," he said. he felt sick to his stomach hearing you describing things you were seeing at the moment. "_____, you've got to stay with us. listen to my voice."

you laughed a little.

"i'm so tired, i think i might take a nap," you said afterwards.

he shook his head.

"______, hang on. do not shut your eyes," he said, asking garcia about any of the progress on the location of your whereabouts. "_____?"

"i'm here, spence," you said softly. "i'm here. i'm just sleepy. and cold. do you have your sweater with you? the one i like?" you asked.

"you won't be needing it, sweetheart. it's warm outside," he said back in reply before talking to garcia.

"it's warm? it doesn't feel warm," you told him. "it's so cold."

reid came back onto the phone call as he asked you a question.


"yes, spence?"

"are you at the Brown's farm? do you see anything that could help you figure that out?" he questioned.

you looked off to the side of the barn.

"everything is so blurry, i can't tell," you told him. "i don't want to move, i'm bleeding."

reid got sick to his stomach when you said that.

"how much, babe?" he asked softly.

"my bloody rag isn't doing much," you muttered.

"please hang on. please, i just need something to distinguish that this is the right location," he said to you.

you looked over to your right instead of your left as you noticed a sign on the door. you leaned over to see if you could see anything. your vision was too blurry, you'd have to stand up.

"i'm going to have to move, spence, i can't see anything," you told him.

"is there nothing close to you?" he asked. you could hear the worry in his voice and you tried to hold back tears.

"no," you said. "i'm sorry, spence."

you got up, accidentally dropping the rag as you walked over to the sign. carved into the old wood was the name 'Brown' which caused you to nod.

"i'm at the Brown's farm," you told him, feeling for the rag and not finding it. "shit," you muttered, sliding down the barn door now.

"what is it?" he asked.

"i lost the rag," you muttered. "and i'm not sure it was going anything. spence, please hurry."

you could feel the own shake in your voice.

"baby, i'm trying. we can only go so fast," he said, beginning to talk to you more as he heard your soft cries. "hey, hey, doll, listen to my voice, okay?"

you nodded, pressing your hand against your wound as you replied. you were trying not to cry but you couldn't help it.


"remember when we first started dating? you told me that you couldn't tell the team because you were worried of what they might think," he said. "and then garcia found out and accidentally told everyone."

you nodded, remembering that day.

"do you remember how excited everyone was?" he asked.

"yes," you replied.

"that was a good day for us, _____. today will be just like that, okay? we're almost there, just hang on a little bit longer, okay?" he said.

you didn't respond to him.

"_____?" he asked.

there was silence.

reid suddenly got sick to his stomach as you didn't say anything back to him.

"morgan, drive faster. i think we might've lost her," he said, feeling the tears coming. he wanted you to say something, anything at all to him so that he knew you were okay.

"i see the barn. we're coming for you. i'm coming," he said, hearing nothing that caused him to get even more nervous.

upon entering the barn, they shone their flashlights around before reid finally saw you.

it wasn't pretty.

you had bruises all over your body, dried blood and new blood all over your legs and hands and some on your face from small cuts. you were pale, slightly cold, tired looking with eye bags.

he rushed over to you, feeling for a pulse.

he nearly fell to the floor as he found one. it was slight, but it was there and that was all that mattered.

"morgan, get a medic immediately!" he yelled as he gathered you up in his arms. he looked down at you, running his fingers through your hair as he noticed the wound you were talking about.

his hand was covered in your blood as he felt sick.

morgan came back and told him that the medics were here. he picked you up, holding you close as he handed you over to the medics who quickly took you away towards the closest hospital.

he felt as if he couldn't think straight. all he wanted to do was hunt down the man who had done this to you.

"where the hell is the guy who did this," reid said aloud as morgan looked over at him. "he just shot her and left her there to die."

his jaw was clenched and morgan noticed, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"hey, kid, we will find him. we will find the guy who did this to _______."

he watched as the ambulance drove off.

"we don't have a choice," he said, his jaw still clenched but his heart aching in worry.

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