one hundred and twenty six: unknown caller id

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"sorry i'm late," you said, rushing into the bau conference room as you set down the files on the table before realizing you needed to pass them out to everyone. you bounced a little in realization before grabbing them and handing them out.

"rough morning?" morgan asked as you looked down towards your bag.

"i guess so," you muttered before hotch walked in and the case briefing started.

you were sitting on the plane, looking out the window as morgan got up and walked over to where you were sitting as he took a seat as well.

"what's going on with you?"

"nothing, nothing," you said softly, continuing to look out of the window as reid looked up from his book that he was reading in order to listen. "i mean, i got a letter from someone today at my apartment. it was for spence and i know i probably shouldn't of read it but, i wanted to make sure it wasn't something stupid and," you paused, looking down towards your bag as you pulled it out. "morgan, it's a threat to kill me if reid doesn't say something about the addiction he's struggling with to our bureau."

"_____, morgan," hotch said. "we're going to be briefing everyone once more before we arrive."

you nodded, putting the letter back in your bag before getting up and going over to where the rest of the team was.

while everyone was getting off of the plane, you got a call on your phone as everyone was walking away. you stayed behind to answer the call.

"agent _____," you said, hearing silence for a little while and almost wanting to hang up but then hearing the sound of a gun being cocked before the caller ended the call.

you stayed still where you were standing as reid turned around to come check on you since you weren't walking beside him anymore.

you had tears in your eyes and your heart was pounding.

"______, what's going on?"

"spence, i," you began but felt like you couldn't speak. "there's a letter for you in my bag and-"

"_____, i heard what you said on the jet," he said softly, walking closer to you as he took your hand in his. "_____, sweetheart, everything is going to be okay."

"reid, i just got a call from the person cocking a gun."

he tightened his hold on your hand as he brought you along with him towards where the rest of the team was.

"what do i do?"

"we're gonna have garcia trace that call to wherever its coming from. nobody is going to get hurt in this. especially not my baby," he said softly, keeping you close as you felt comforted being by his side.

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