one hundred and forty seven: okay

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garcia watched you from a distance with her coffee in hand as she had a questioning look on her face while you and reid fought over something. she didn't know what had happened that caused the two of you to fight in front of the team- you both never did.

you shook your head, putting your hands up as you grabbed something as you walked away from him. he watched you go for a moment  before he decided to follow after you. garcia watched the two of you go. 

"morning, penelope," morgan said as he came over with a mug, pouring some coffee into it as she didn't even look over at him. "garcia?" he asked, looking over at her. 

"they're fighting about something," she muttered as morgan took a sip of his coffee, still looking at her while he waited for more information. "i'm not sure what." 

"why does it matter? it's their business," he replied as you came back from where the two of you had gone. reid was still following after you as you shook your head, digging through some papers as he tried to get you to talk to him.

the two of them stared at you as you let out a sigh.

"can we just talk about this later," you told him, as you stayed above the papers and didn't look at him. he shook his head, walking a little closer.

"______, we have to get through this together," he replied.

you stood up straight, looking up at him as you shook your head.

"i'd rather not deal with this right now," you told him, trying to push past him, but he grabbed your hand. you shook your head, pulling your hand out of his grasp. "spence, later," you muttered, walking away from him. 

morgan and garcia both approached him, confused as to what happened between the two of you.

"reid, what's going on?" garcia asked as he looked over at them. 

"nothing," he muttered, looking over at where you had gone as you were walking back to get something from your desk that you had left. "______, please," he said when you got closer. 

"no, i told you already. let's talk about it later," you responded, pushing yourself to your desk as reid shook his head. 

"no, ______, i want to work past this. i need to work past this. i can't have you being angry at me for something that i told you i didn't do," he tried to explain as you grabbed the paper you needed and walked past him. you turned around briefly to look at him.

"we'll talk about it at home, spence," you muttered, walking off again to give what you needed to j.j. while the three of them stood there. morgan looked over at reid in confusion.

"what's going on?"

reid looked over at them briefly, his eyes going back down towards the picture of the two of you on his desk. 

"she thinks," he began but immediately trailed off.

"what is it, reid?" garcia asked. 

he let out a sigh. "i can't really explain it well. she's just going through something."

when the two of you got home that night, you walked in before him as he shut the door to his apartment. you walked around the couch as you put your stuff down and walked to the kitchen. reid put his stuff down as well, walking into the kitchen after you.

"we're home now," he told you, leaning against the countertop behind you. you were stirring your tea with your back facing him. "can we please talk about this?" 

you stopped stirring the tea, staring down into the cup. 

"spence," you muttered. "i trust you, you know that. but it's hard to believe it when someone who kidnaps you tells you things that you have no idea if they're true or not." 

"oh my god," he said softly as you turned around. 

you looked up at him, seeing that he was now looking away from you. your eyes stayed on him.

"you're going to have to make me really believe that this isn't real to me, spence," you told him softly.  "she said so many things to me and," you trailed off, taking a deep sigh as you ran your fingers through your hair. "i can't get out of it, and i can't get the thought out of my head of you with another person," you said, walking past him and into the den as he followed after you. 

"______, you know that you're all mine," he said. 

you wiped away your tears from your cheeks as you turned around to face him. 

"but, spence, how can i be so sure when-"

he walked closer, pulling you close to him as you rest your head right under his chin. 

 "there isn't much to prove to you when she put lies in your head. if we had gotten there sooner, you wouldn't be acting like this," he muttered, feeling your fingers tightening around him. 

"i'm sorry," you said softly as reid just held you close.

"it's not your fault, ______, but why did you fight with me at work?" he said. "we never fight at work."

"i reached my breaking point," you said, letting out a sigh. "i'm sorry, " you repeated as he nodded, running his fingers through your hair. 

"it's okay," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "it's okay."

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