one hundred and thirteen: can't help myself (part ten)

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"oh my god, there you are!" you exclaimed, finding reid coming out of the bathroom as he smiled down at you. "spence, he's going through your stuff. here's your phone."

reid looked at you, anger seeping into his face before  you saw him look elsewhere. you saw his eyes look up as he followed the movements of someone. you turned around, seeing the rookie smile at you with a small chuckle following before you looked back up at reid who had a hard set jaw currently.

you shook your head, standing on your tiptoes as you pulled him to your lips. he accepted gratefully as you could feel all the tense parts of his body loosen up in your grasp. you hated having to do this in order to distract him but it's what worked.

the rookie sighed, walking over to where you were as you let go, looking up at him before turning around.

"____, wow, have i ever told you that- oh, screw it."

he leaned in again, about to press a kiss to your lips again as reid stepped between the two of you, putting you behind him. you kept your hand in his.

"what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

elijah looked up at your boyfriend as he smiled.

"what does it look like? i'm trying to get the girl to be mine."

reid shook his head.

"she's not interested. do you think that she would date you even if she was single?"

he nodded confidently.

reid shook his head, feeling your hand tighten in his grasp as he cleared his throat.

"rookie, you don't get it do you? _____ is taken. she's my girlfriend. she loves me. she's not single. she's not available. she's not into you. she's into me. in fact, i'm actually more into her-"

you coughed, causing him to look back at you as you shook your head. he smiled to himself, looking back at the rookie.

"go home, rookie."

he crossed his arms.

"i went through your desk drawers."

"yeah? and what did you find? interesting facts about the different continents or light bulb jokes i make? i'm a genius, rookie. i keep my private information private. that's why it's called private information. also, what were you necessarily looking for anyways?"

"anything to make you two break up."

reid laughed.

"ah, yes, of course. well, rookie, you still have a lot to learn about me and my girl."

with that, reid kept you close as he walked off with you by his side, slightly in front of him. you felt a smile creeping onto your lips, noticing reid was silent.


he nodded.

"yeah, i'm here, sweetheart. but i need a minute to get myself together again. let's just go home."

you nodded.

"yeah, let's."

you laid back on reid's bed as you stared up at the ceiling, smiling to yourself. reid laid back with you as you rolled over, looking down at him with a smile on your lips.

"i love you so much. did i ever tell you that?"

he smiled sweetly. "yeah, all the time, angel."

you sighed, laying your head down on his chest as he reached over and turned off the lamp while you held onto him tighter.

"i will find a way to get rid of him, sweetheart. you don't deserve this. don't worry."

you shifted a little, getting comfortable again.

"spence, please don't murder anyone."

he chuckled.

"i know exactly how to do it and get away with it, angel. i'm a genius."

"he's not a great person, but let's not murder someone. you know, cause murder is a federal crime."

he chuckled.

"i love you, sweetheart. you need some rest."

you nodded.

"for sure," you said. "goodnight, reid."

"goodnight, _____. i'm always here for you."

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