fifty two: has a gun (part two)

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when morgan arrived at the hospital and ran quickly down the hallway towards reid's room, he noticed the man in a hospital uniform lying on the ground. garcia was shaken up by everything that had just happened but all that you cared about was that reid was okay. 

you moved to be closer to him as morgan and garcia checked out the man that was currently lying on the ground. garcia couldn't stop explaining the fear she had just induced as you looked over at the man also. 

you were also shaken up enough to have your hands shaking but it wasn't anything you hadn't done before. 

you felt reid reach out and grab your hand in his as you looked down at him. 

"you saved my life," he said with a smile on his face as garcia looked over at the two of you. "again."

he couldn't seem to stop smiling and as you looked down at him, you couldn't bear it any longer. 

you practically picked him up with the force you were using to hug him as he held back onto you as tightly as he could. 

"oh my god, _____, your grip is so tight," reid said with a smile as you nodded, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you kept the tight hold on him. he gently, soothingly rubbed your back as you felt tears coming to your eyes and you didn't want to let go. "hey, it's alright. i'm okay. we're all okay."

you nodded, not ever wanting to let go of him. 

"you continue to amaze me everyday, sweetheart," reid said softly.

on your way back to reid's apartment, you couldn't stop going over everything that had just occurred. 

"are you sure you're okay?" you asked him again as he smiled over at you, tightening his hold on your hand as you had his bag on your shoulder. 

"i feel great, angel. ah, that's overselling it. i, uh, i feel great considering i just got shot in the neck."

you nodded, getting to his apartment as you watched him pull out the keys and go to unlock the door, letting the two of you inside. upon walking in, you felt the returning familiarity hitting you again as a place you had been coming to for four of the six years you two were dating. 

when he came in a little after you, having to let go of your hand earlier to unlock the door, he saw you just looking at him.

he furrowed his brows in confusion. 

"what?" he asked softly. 

"i'm just like some sort of crazy, insane woman that you would watch on the news, spence," you responded, looking up at him as he came over and grabbed your hands in his. 

"no, no," he began. "you saved my life and angel, that's all any of us can hope for." 

"spence, i kill for you. this is not something that should be-"

he shook his head, running a couple of fingers through your hair as you stared up at him. he eventually pressed a soft kiss to your forehead as you slid your arms under his, holding him tightly to you again.

"you should really get some sleep," you told him softly as he nodded.

"are you staying the night?" he asked.

"i can't bear to leave," you muttered, c

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