one hundred and seventeen: can't help myself (part fourteen)

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the next morning, they released reid back to freedom and back into your arms. you immediately collected him up in your grasp as you held onto him tightly. he kept his hold on you as well, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"what did the rookie wanna talk about?"

"how he loved me and asking me why i got engaged to you," you muttered, burrowing your head further into his chest as reid sighed.

"i don't understand," he muttered. "how has he not gotten the hint by now?"

"because he's persistent, spence. if you really love someone, you'd go after constantly craving their affection and attention. i did that with you."

reid smiled, pressing another kiss to your forehead.

"i definitely remember you sitting with me on the jet a lot and also sitting at my desk a lot. wow, now that i think about, you were pretty much everywhere i went."

you smiled.

"and look who i get to marry now, spence."

he smiled, tightening his hold on you.

"let's go home."

you nodded, agreeing with him.

when you got home, you walked in and reid went straight to the couch as you came over and joined him, laying down on him.

"what are we going to do about the rookie?" you asked him softly as you played with his fingers. he sighed, watching you do so.

"i'm not sure anymore, ______."

you looked over at him, still messing around with his fingers.

"spence, i love you. i love you a lot."

he smiled, responding to your statement.

"i love you a lot, too."

"_____, prentiss- go out and try to interview the families that are the victims'."

you both nodded, walking out of the room as reid watched you go.

the rookie looked over at reid.

"you know, i should've injected more into you."

reid looked over at him. "what?"

"if i had, you'd be dead right now and i'd have _____ all to myself to do whatever i want with her. i just want to run my finger on every inch of her-"

reid cleared his throat. "please stop talking."

the rookie chuckled.

"what? can't handle the sex talk about what i want to do to your girlfriend?"

"first of all, we've had sex multiple times so i'm not bothered. second of all, she's now my fiancée, not my girlfriend," reid said as the rolling raised a brow.

"what if i told you that i wanted to slowly run my finger down her chest and towards her-" he began but stopped when reid cleared his throat again.

"or what if i told you that i want to have her on-"

"hey, rookie, this doesn't make sense. you're telling me things you want to do to her and i know it's to get me jealous and it's of course working but i don't understand what your issue is. just use this phrase like you should- leave us alone."

you came back into the room at this point as reid smiled over at you. the rookie did the same but reached to run his finger up your arm as you shifted away.

"you could've killed my fiancée. don't touch me also. reid's hands have been everywhere on me, including-"

reid grabbed your hand and squeezed it to make you be quiet about your private home life that you two both had.

"_____, just let me tell you how much i think abut you and how much i want to-"

reid shook his head, pulling you out the door with him as he anxiously pressed a kiss to your forehead before leading you into a different room away from the rookie.

"spence, it's okay. it's alright."

he shook his head.

"no, no it's not. he wants to have sex with you, _____. how can you not see that, sweetheart?"

"i can, but i have to be calm in order to keep you

reid furrowed his brows, looking out at the rookie as he smiled to himself.

"can we do it tonight?"

you nodded, looking up at him.

"yeah, why?"

"i have an idea."

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