one hundred and twenty three: run

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author's note: welcome back to my original book! updates will be a little weird & not as frequent as i wish for them to be because i'm working three days a week again (thankfully!!!) and i have class on tuesdays and the film industry does not play around.. its intense, i'm not gonna lie, but it's been good so far!! i have a lot of homework to do as well but i'm going to be doing it tomorrow morning so it will all be fine!

i hope you all are staying healthy & safe! i love you all! please let me know if you want to see another part to a series so i can know what i need to focus on!

love you all & here is a little draft i want to post because i have not much else to post right now!

ps i skipped chapter one hundred twenty-two because i counted my book announcement as that!

"garcia! stop it!" you said as you laughed, taking a seat down in the extra chair in her office as you reached over to the little tin box she had sitting on her one of many desks as you grabbed a small cookie.

"what! it's funny!" she said, sitting down with a smile.

"we can't keep making fun of the way reid runs," you said, trying to stop laughing as you took a bite of the cookie in order to maybe help yourself not laugh about it more.

"come on, _____. you know it's funny. you spend the most time with him," she said, raising an eyebrow in your direction as you blushed heavily.

"no, nope," you said, biting the cookie as you looked over at the door to see it open.

"hey, spence," you said, smiling over at him before glancing towards garcia to see her trying to hold back a laugh.

you smiled to yourself, trying to keep yourself from laughing but you genuinely felt like you couldn't do it.

"spence, why-"

"why do you run like that!" garcia exclaimed, laughing like she wasn't able to stop. you laughed some with her as reid looked over at you, taking a seat in a spare chair from the hallway that garcia had never put back in the closet. he had brought it in.

"i could ask you so many questions right now, _____," reid said, looking at you with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk on his lips.

you stopped laughing slowly as you looked at him in slight fear as to what he was referring to.

you glanced down as reid nodded.

"okay, spence," you said softly. "you don't have to say anything. i'll stop."

he smiled, getting up and pressing a kiss to your forehead before leaving the room.

you turned back to garcia.

"i'm still going to laugh about it," you said, beginning to laugh again with her.

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