one hundred and ninety five: drive me home

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author's note: we are almost at the chapter limit for this book! this is lowkey exciting because i have plans on writing ANOTHER criminal minds book! my third installment!! :) it's crazy how one chapter in the first installment of these books lead to the end of that one and the beginning of the second one and now almost the end of the second one! it's honestly crazy and i cannot thank you all enough for putting up with my little fantasies about reid haha, love you all! <3

"imagine somebody having a delusion on you that's so powerful that they killed for you," you muttered to reid over the dinner that he brought the two of you after the case. you were sitting at his desk as the two of you were talking.

"it's interesting because psychosis affects the supplementary motor area which is located in the center of the medial frontal lobe network. a recent study actually suggested that two brain chemicals can interact and contribute to the development of psychotic disorders," reid rambled as you nodded, taking a bite of your food.

"well, i'm glad my brain chemicals never got together," you muttered, looking back up at him with a small smile as he gave you one in return. you checked your watch to realize the time as you jumped up. "spence, it's almost midnight. i need to go home," you told him, cleaning up your trash as he also stood up.

"______, why don't you just let me drive you home?" he asked, seeing you look up from grabbing your files and packing them in your bag.

"i couldn't ask you to do that for me, spence," you responded with a slight laugh as he laughed too, coming over and wrapping his arms around you.

"what? you can't ask your most endearing boyfriend who, by the way, loves you very much, to drive you home so that you don't have to worry about the dangers of the world?"

you sighed, looking up at him as your eyes stared back into his.

"why do you always do that?" you asked him, trying to let go and get your things but he wasn't letting you go that easily.

"do what? stare at you like you have my heart in your hands?" he asked, causing you to blush heavily. "maybe it's because you do."

you let out a small sigh, looking off towards the clock on the wall as the time read to nearly midnight. you didn't really want to drive all the way home now. and reid was definitely a good invitation to have.

you looked back over at him, your eyes studying what he had to say before finally speaking up.

"okay," you said, seeing his smile brighten. "but that means that you're staying at my place."

he nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.

"whatever you ask for, sweetheart. i'll give you anything you want," he said softly against your head before pressing another kiss to it.

you smiled, tightening your hold on him once more.

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