one hundred and ninety seven: dibs

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"morgan, do you ever call dibs?" you asked, looking at him from your desk. morgan looked over at you with a confused expression, wondering where the question was stemming from. 

"on what exactly?" he questioned, waiting for your response.

"on a woman, do you ever look at reid when you're hanging out or someone else and call dibs?"

"what makes you ask that?" he questioned, spinning a little bit in his chair. 

"oh, no reason," you muttered, glancing over at reid briefly, looking down towards your papers before making eye contact with morgan once more. this caused morgan to look over at him before laughing a little. 

"i know you did not call dibs on him of all people," morgan chuckled.

"what's wrong with spence?" you questioned, sitting up some. morgan shook his head, sitting forward.

"no, nothing is wrong with the kid," he explained. "it's just that jj and i thought that you would like the guy that garcia found for you."


"you know, the one that works with hotch. he's the new officer that works with higher up officers," morgan said. "he's a rookie, to an extent. but garcia said that you two hit it off when you talked to each other the first time."

"i was just being friendly," you responded, gathering the cases in your arms as you got ready to stand. you stood up in confusion, beginning to walk off and talk to jj about what she and morgan were talking about. however, you ran into somebody.

"oh, sorry," you muttered, smiling briefly at them before continuing to go find jj.

"no, really, i'm sorry," he said, smiling back at you. he gently rubbed your shoulder, keeping his hand there afterwards. you didn't recognize the voice and his hand was still on you, causing you to shake it off as you looked up at him. "i didn't even realize you were going some place. i came over here to talk to you, in private if possible."

you looked over at morgan who nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. the guy lead you to an empty office and shut the door.

"______, i may sound too forward starting with this," he began as you let out a sigh, looking slighty behind his arm as you saw reid coming over to morgan and talking to him. you knew he was talking about you, you could tell through the blinds because of how often reid looked over at the office room you were in. 

"________," the guy began again, causing you to refocus back on him. you nodded, looking up at him briefly before waiting for the rest of his sentence. "would you want to go out with me? on a date, some place nice. i'll treat you really nicely, pay for your dinner, the whole thing."

you let out a sigh.

"look, um," you started, abruptly pausing when you realized you didn't remember his name.

"john," he said. 

"right, yes. john. look, i actually have my eye on somebody else. i think you picked up the wrong signals whenever we talked the couple of times that we've actually communicated. i was just  being nice."

 "what? i thought you liked me back. i can read behavior too, you know."

you smiled briefly at him before responding.

"if you could read behavior, then you would know exactly who i have my eye on," you said, pushing past him and towards the door. when your hand was on the door knob, you looked back at him. "and by the way, i don't really "read" behavior, i analyze it."

with that, you left him in the office as you walked back over to where morgan was, reid having stayed over there with him. 

"what did he want?" morgan asked as you looked between the two of them.

"me on a date," you said back. "probably at his place afterwards because that's the vibe i read off of him." 

morgan chuckled. 

"what? no way."

"well, that and the fact that i could see the indentation of a condom packet in his jeans but what do i know," you muttered, sitting down in your chair as you looked at the cases you had to put back on your desk when john came over to talk to you.

reid cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him. your eyes searched his as his did the same. when you saw him smile, you knew that he found out just then.

"did you call dibs on me?" he questioned you, seeing you sit back in your chair as you looked over at morgan.

"no way, you told him?" you questioned.

morgan couldn't help but laugh, sitting back in his chair as well while reid and you both looked at him.

"okay, look, mr busy body came over here asking what you and the rookie were talking about," morgan started. "i had to be truthful. kid can read me like a book."

"you can lie, you know that right?" 

morgan chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee before responding.

"well, _______, it's not like he didn't already know. i mean, you make it so obvious. the staring, the gentle and random touches on his arm, the conversations, the way you always are around him. i mean, he's not stupid. does he do stupid things sometimes? yes, of course. but he's not dumb," morgan finished as you sighed.

"so, you knew?" you asked reid.

he nodded.

"i knew after morgan told me one day during a case. do you remember the case where the people were killed by their fears?" he asked as you nodded. "during that case, i remember that you were around me a lot during the analysis on the case and you just hung around me most of the time. morgan had to point out that it seemed like you liked me, but he didn't want to jump to a conclusion about anything so he told me to test the waters."

"oh my God, is that why garcia found john?" you asked morgan.

he nodded. 

"jj and i both wanted to know-" he began but reid nudged him. "jj, myself, and reid all wanted to know if you truly liked him or you were just close with him. so, garcia set john up essentially. he does work for hotch and he actually does in fact like you, but it's settled now for sure that you liked the kid over here."

you smiled to yourself, looking up at reid. 

"and just so you know, _______. i sorta called dibs on you, too," reid said as you blushed, staring back up at him with a smile. 

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