one hundred and ninety eight: splendid getaway

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author's note: this is it. this is the last chapter in this book. i am beyond grateful for all of you that read this book, and my first one, and how much support i have received from it. the ideas, the chapters, the votes, the reads- all of it, thank you so very much. without y'all, none of this would have been possible. now, onto the final chapter! (& i'll see y'all in the third installment ;) )

"i'm telling you, spence, she was totally hitting on you," you said, eating the ice cream off of your spoon as reid shook his head.

"there is no way, sweetheart. i mean, it was so clear that i was with you," he responded, eating some of the ice cream as well. 

you and reid had the night off from work, hopefully. you never knew with this job. walking around the streets, somewhat late at night, was a peaceful thing that you two enjoyed doing for dates that had the ability to be cut short without loss of money or true time. it was a perfect option.

"but women don't care about that. at least, not all," you replied. "i mean, take me for an example."

reid chuckled.

"that's different because i already liked you before i started dating that other girl. and i thought that getting myself with a different woman would take my mind off of you, for whatever reason, and so i went for it. but you know how that ended," he said, looking over at you as you laughed a little.

"spence, that was the worst. i mean, she came to the office to confront you. morgan and i were laughing because of how poorly rehearsed her threats were and we both knew that she had to make weak threats in an fbi office or else somebody would have booked her or something," you said, laughing some before hearing your phone going off. 

"agent ______," you said into the phone. reid could tell by how you were suddenly acting that you both had a case. you nodded, tucking some loose hair behind your ear. "we'll be in shortly."

you frowned getting off the call as you looked up at reid.

"we have a case," you muttered as he nodded, getting out the keys to the car before grabbing your hand in his. you looked up at him, curious to know what his thoughts were. from the look on his face, you knew. "we need to take a weekend." 

he furrowed his brows in confusion as the two of you began to walk to the car together. 

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"well," you started. "we should take a weekend to ourselves. i want to spend uninterrupted time with you, spence. i need to just have time by ourselves."

he smiled at you, gently running his fingers through your loose hair.

"anything with you sounds splendid," he responded as you smiled back up at him.

"okay. now that that's settled, let's go solve this case," you replied.

"and kick criminal ass," reid finished as you laughed, lightly hitting him in the arm. 

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