twenty three: damn good team

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reid was going over everything. every book he could find on the subject and many were scattered in piles around him while you took a sip from your coffee and looked over papers that you had found out about the subject as well.

"he's really busy in there," the main detective on the case said as you looked up at him before looking over in the room that reid was in as you sat back in your chair and nodded.

"he gets into his reading," you said softly while you stared at him in admiration. "anyways, did you find out something?" you asked.

he shook his head. "no, but i was wondering if maybe you could?"

you cocked your head in slight confusion.

"what?" you asked.

"can you talk to him?" he asked. "i don't want to interrupt anything."

you nodded, setting down your drink as you looked back up at the detective.

"you can just go ask him, he won't mind. but what did you want me to find out?" you asked.

"if he's found anything," the detective said as you nodded, standing up and walking in the room where your boyfriend was sitting and reading books as you took a seat across from him, catching his attention as he shut the book he had just finished.

"is everything okay?" he asked.

"the detective was too shy to come in here himself to ask you if you had found anything so he sent me in," you told him with a small smile, causing him to place the book down in a pile next to him as he moved it to make room for you.

"hey, come here," he said. "i can show you one thing."

you nodded, standing up and sitting down next to him in the small space he had made for you. you looked over at him as he searched through the different books he had in a pile in front of him as he tried to find the correct one.

when he found it, he looked over at you.

"what?" he asked shyly with a small smile.

"nothing, nothing," you told him sweetly, taking one of his hands in yours as you held onto it tightly. reid looked through the book, finding the correct page he was looking for as you leaned over and looked at it while keeping his hand in your lap and intertwined with yours.

"see this?" he asked as you nodded.

"it's like the salem witch trials," he muttered as you looked down at it.

"oh my god," you said. "so, he's hunting what he thinks are witches?" you asked, looking up at him.

he looked up at you too, smiling at how close the two of you were. your eyes searched his as his did the same, causing you to smile.

"he is," he said as you continued to look at him before pressing a brief kiss to his lips before continuing.

"so," you began, looking back down at the book as reid kept his focus on you now. "if he's hunting witches, maybe it has something to do with a mental illness? i mean, considering that we don't live- what?" you asked, looking up at him once more.

"i think the detective should've come in here," he said. "because you're my distraction."

you smiled, leaning forward and resting your forehead against his momentarily before leaning back and blinking slowly at him.

"well, spence," you began. "i think we make a pretty damn good team."

he nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead before going back to the books as you leaned over to follow what he was saying as well.

"did he find anything?" j.j. asked the detective as he looked over at the two of you.

"i'm sure hoping they did," he said as j.j. nodded.

"i'm sure they did."

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