one hundred and fourteen: can't help myself (part eleven)

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the next morning, you woke up and saw twelve missed calls from reid as you went to call him back, still somewhat asleep.

"_____, angel, hey," he said as he picked up the call.

"what did you need? don't we have an off day today?" you asked as he shook his head.

"nope, sorry," he said, laughing a little. "but we do have an issue. my gift for you for our five year anniversary is missing from my desk drawer. what drawer did he look in specifically?"

"bottom left," you said softly, rubbing your eyes to wake yourself up.

"shit," he muttered. "i'm gonna kill him. i will actually commit murder today because if i find him-"

"spence, hey," you said, worry waking you up. "hey, it's okay. take a deep breath. it's alright. we'll find it. maybe you misplaced it?"

"i have an eidetic memory, _____. there is no way that i would misplace one of my most cherished possessions. he took it, _____. he took it."

you quickly put on some clothes as you heard reid on the other line muttering to himself.

"spence, what's going on?"

"i'm going to kill him, ______."

"spence, please just wait for me to get there. just calm down, it'll be alright. i'm leaving now."

when you got to the bau, you rushed inside to see reid searching through all of his desk drawers again as you walked up to where he was.

"spence," you said softly.

he stood up, looking at you. he looked like he was going to cry. you furrowed your brows as he pulled you into a hug, resting his face in the crook of your neck.

"_____, that gift was so important."

you felt your heart skip a beat.

you hated seeing reid hurt in any way. you tightened your grip on him because you never wanted to let go of him while he was hurting.

"it was so, so important," he said softly into your shoulder. "it was-"

"reid, please stop," you said softly, holding back tears. you hated seeing him beating himself up over this.

there was silence between the two of you as you just held him close to you, closing your eyes as you enjoyed his presence. you knew he was crying, you could feel it.

reid didn't cry much over things.

so you knew that it was truly an important gift because of this.

"hey, spence," you said, beginning to let go of him to look at him but he didn't want to let go of you. "hey, it's okay."

he slowly loosened his grip on you as you looked up at him.

"what was the gift?" you asked him.

"it was a promise ring with your favorite gem," he said softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you continued to look up at him.

"spence," you said softly, causing him to look down at you. "i know i would've loved it but i have you. of course, i know you're going to go ballistic when you see the rookie but just know that i love you no matter what. you're my favorite person on this planet and i love you so much. i need you to understand how important you are to me as compared to a ring. i appreciate the gift so much, honey, but you're such a better gift."

reid smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your lips as you leaned back a little from the pressure. you couldn't contain a smile right now.

"rookie!" reid said as he walked into the main bau room to find the entire time there. you were busy coming in with the case files as you tried to manage them all. garcia got up to help you out some.

"what the hell do you want?"

"you took it."

"took what?"

"the gift for my five year anniversary."

elijah laughed.

"oh, you're talking about the ring that's gold and has a-"

"you took it," reid muttered, staring him down as he towered over him. the rookie was kind of short, not super short, but not near reid's height so he seemed so much taller.

"i can't steal from one of my own teammates."

"you're constantly trying to steal _____!"

the rookie looked over at you as you got the remote ready so you could introduce the case as everyone watched what was happening.

"yeah, and i will be successful! you'll just have to wait and see!"

reid chuckled. "good luck getting her from me."
"just because you two have had sex doesn't mean anything!" the rookie said as you blushed heavily.

"hey, elijah," you said, causing him to look over at you. "i'd shut up if you knew what was good for you."

the rookie looked back over at reid who's eyes were hard with anger and jealousy.

the team was dead silent as the two beefed silently.

you just began to introduce the case as reid stared the rookie down completely.

"spence, we only have about fifteen minutes."

he nodded.

"i know, i know. i'll make it quick, sweetheart, but i really need this. he gets me so angry and upset. especially since he took your gift from me."

you nodded.

"and you said i don't take much control over you when we have-"

you pressed your lips back to his as you shut him up.

on the jet ride to the state you were going for for the crime that occurred, morgan sat down in front of you.

"at the rate you two are going, how are you not pregnant?"

you chuckled, smiling to yourself.

"i told you, we use condoms. we're fine."

morgan sat back.

"i never pegged reid as this type-"

you smiled. "it's what happens when you're in love with someone, morgan. i'm sure you've felt that."

he nodded, looking outside from the window at the clouds.

"i don't have many long relationships."

you furrowed your brows.

"why not? you're such a catch!"

"______, you and reid have been together for nearly five years at this point."

you nodded slowly, confused as to where this was going.

"the longest i've dated a girl during these almost five years has been four months before we broke up."

"morgan, you'll find someone certainly. you're an amazing guy who's sweet, caring, protective, and easy to talk with. at least you aren't the rookie going after a taken girl."

morgan nodded.

"you should go get your boyfriend, _____. he's doing the thing again when he gets worked up over something."

you turned around, seeing how he was quickly reading books faster than he normally does. you smiled back at morgan before getting up and going over to him.

you took a seat down next to him as you looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his jaw. he stopped reading immediately, leaning closer to you.

you did it again, seeing him close the book and set it off to the side before pulling you into his hold as he kept it tight around you.

"what should i do about him, ______?"

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