eighty eight: they don't have to know

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"______?" garcia asked you while the two of you walked to her office together. you looked up from the case file you were holding in your hands as you sorted through the different pages of information.

"yeah?" you responded.

"do you know how to flirt with a guy?" she asked as you looked over at you putting away things within the folder.

"not really, no," you said, giving her a smile before going back to looking in the files.

"how have you had so many boyfriends then?" she asked as you looked back up at her with a small smile as you laughed briefly.

"garcia, i've only dated four guys."

"more than me! more than j.j.! even more than prentiss!" she said as you cocked your head in confusion.

"what is this about?" you asked her.

"well, i didn't want to say anything," she began as you furrowed your brows. "but i think i might like reid and i just wanted advice on how to flirt with a guy because i've only ever dated kevin and i think it's time for me to expand my options a little."

you raised your eyebrows in shock before looking back down towards the folders you held.

"i know you two used to date," she said as you bit your lip gently before looking up at her again.

"you know what, you want to know how i got spence?" you said to her as she nodded. you looked down towards the hallway as you saw reid scanning a copy of something for morgan most likely.

"i was just sitting at my desk one day and i was reading a book about serial killers. i mean, you know reid, he just has to see what a person is reading, and since it was something he does and is interested in knowing all about, he sat down and we started talking about it. he talked to me about it for as long as he possibly could," you said, still staring over at him as he was busy gathering all of his papers. "and then sometime later after the case, he sort of brought up statistics about dating and i sort of got the hint he was trying to subtly drop to me."

when you looked back down towards your case files, you let out a sigh before continuing.

"the easiest way to get spence is to just be yourself," you said. "and to also do something that you like that he shares similar interest in as well."

garcia looked over at you while you watched reid finish gathering the papers he needed and then walking back towards where ever he needed to go. you looked back up at her, seeing her looking at you.

"are you sure that you're okay with me, you know," she began as you sighed, tucking hair behind your ear before nodding.

"yeah," you replied. "i mean, spence and i broke up a while ago. it's fine, i am fine. i'm just gonna go give these to morgan and j.j.," you said before walking off.

garcia stared after you as you walked away.

"morgan," you said as you entered his office to see him sitting there. "here's the case file you were looking for."

you handed it to him as you kept your eyes focused anywhere else but him.

"thanks, _____. hey, do you know-" he began as he looked up to see you looking everywhere else but him. "you okay?"

"do you think reid could get another girlfriend so soon?" you asked him.

"what?" he asked.

"well, like, i was the last girl he dated and he just told me that he wasn't really ready for another girlfriend after me," you told him. "like, i am in no way saying that i am above anyone because i'm not but he was the best guy that i ever dated and," you said softly.

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