thirty two: virginity

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"oh, i remember," garcia said as the four of you walked down the hallway towards her office as you looked over at her. "the guy from my high school took my flower."

you raised your eyebrows, looking off to the side as prentiss and j.j. sort of laughed a little before responding as you continued to look off to the side.

"what about you, _____? who took your virgin-" prentiss began but you cut her off.

"reid," you said abruptly as you gave them a gentle smile as the girls looked between each other.

"did you two date in high school or?" prentiss asked.

"no," you responded.

"did you two date during college?" j.j. asked.

"no," you said once more.

"so, you hadn't ever done the deed until you were in your twenties?" garcia asked as you nodded.

"i was always waiting for the right person," you told them. "and i know reid is the right person."

they all smiled sweetly at you.

"so, the first date with him went well then, i assu-" garcia began but you shook your head.

"it was our two year anniversary," you muttered before clearing your throat. "okay, i'm going to keep the rest of the information private to myself."

they all laughed as they brought you along with them.

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