eight: sexual tension

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"that is a lot of people," you said as you stared at the board filled with sheets of papers of descriptions of many different people this man had seen or passed on the street.

"homeless men, homeless women, runaways, prostitues, and drug users," reid muttered as you kept staring at the board of papers.

morgan and prentiss both stared at it as well.

"damn," prentiss said as you and morgan nodded in response to it all.

"can all of their disappearances be a coincidence?" prentiss asked as everyone kept staring at the board. you looked over at reid as he spoke up once more.

"yeah, technically it wouldn't really be a coincidence, since a number of these people share high-risk traits, which throws the curve off. you see, the word coincidence implies more-" reid began to go into another one of his tangents as morgan spoke up.

"hey. hey, kid, we do not need a vocabulary lesson right now," morgan replied in response to his small rant as you chuckled.

"right, sorry," he responded as you smiled over at him sweetly. you kept looking at him as morgan let out a sigh.

"what is the sexual tension with you two?" he asked.

you looked over at him before getting down from sitting off the table as you went over to where reid was sitting and wrapped your arms around his shoulders as your fingers reached down and played with the tie he had on.

reid sat with a face of being somewhat uncomfortable yet filled with joy and excitement as you messed around with his tie and kept your head leaned down against his so you could stay close to him while looking at morgan.

"does it make you uncomfortable?" you asked him.

he chuckled.

"apparently it makes reid turned on," he said as prentiss laughed lightly with him. you smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek before looking back up at them.

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