one hundred and forty six: classy

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"why are you looking at her like that?" garcia asked as reid looked over at her, taking his eyes off of you as he cleared his throat a little before taking a sip of his coffee that was in the cup in his hand. 

"looking at who like what?" he questioned, glancing over at you once more before back at garcia.

"_______," she said, seeing you walking over towards the coffee area that the two of them were standing at. when you got over to where the two of them were, you set down a case near the two of them. 

"for today," you said, pouring a cup of coffee before stirring in some sugar. "because i know how much you like the physical copy," you said, giving him a smile before walking away towards the conference room.

"wow, you two are really into each other, aren't you?" garcia asked as reid looked over at her after picking up the case file you had given him. 

"what are you talking about? all she did was give me a case," he responded.

garcia chuckled, taking a sip of her coffee. 

"a case of her love for you," she muttered before walking off as reid followed her to the conference room. he caught up quickly, trying to explain to her about what was going on.

"garcia, _____ doesn't like me," he said. 

she laughed as they entered the room. this caused you to look up at the two of them. 

"come on, reid! it's so obvious! the way that you look at her and the way that she talks with you! there is just no way that i'm going to believe that you don't like her and she doesn't like you," she said as you cocked your head in confusion. 

"what are you talking about?" you asked, seeing prentiss look over at her while hotch and rossi walked inside of the conference room. garcia looked over at you, giving you a small smile. 

"nothing. just your love for reid, that's all," she said. 

you felt blush heavily erupt onto your cheeks as you excused yourself from the room and towards the ramp that lead up to the conference room. reid followed after you as hotch let out a sigh, wanting to get on with the case reading. 

"_______, are you-" he began, but you looked up at him briefly. 

"she really does know how to read my tone, doesn't she?" 

reid took a step back, acting confused as you smiled up at him sweetly. 

"so, so you do like me?" he asked as you nodded slowly, looking down towards your shoes.


there was silence before he cleared his throat which caused you to look up at him. 

"well, i mean, she finally saw how i've been looking at you," he muttered as you smiled at him. 

"i guess we're thinking the same thing then," you explained. 

he nodded. 

"and our first date will be at a crime scene," he said. 

you laughed to yourself. 

"how classy." 

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