one hundred and thirty three: uncomfortable

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you sat at the bar, waiting for the bar tender to bring you back the drinks that you ordered for the group you had come with. not everyone from the team was there. only prentiss, garcia, morgan, reid, and j.j.. while they sat back at the table, you stood by yourself while waiting. 

a man soon approached you as he stood next to you. you turned to face him when he spoke up.

 "hey," he said, gently. you turned to face him as you briefly smiled at him. 

"hi," you said back, turning back to see the bar tender finishing up the drinks for you.

"you know," he began as you started gathering the drinks, but couldn't get them all. "you've got really pretty eyes," he said softly, leaning closer to you as you looked up at him. you were trying to grab the drinks in your hand so you wouldn't have to come back and get the rest, but you knew damn well you wouldn't be able to do so.

"thank you," you told him as you started to walk off with the four drinks you were carrying as the guy gently pulled you back to him. he rubbed his lip with his thumb and forefinger as you looked up at him in confusion. "is there anything you need?" you asked, looking at him in confusion. 

 "was wondering," he began, looking off to the side before leaning down slightly closer to you. "if you'd wanna go out with me sometime? tomorrow night? anne marie road?" 

you furrowed your brows in confusion. "do you take women out on dates on a road?" 

he chuckled. "no, sweetheart. i take them to the motel that's off that road. but meeting them there is a prime location."

"why's that?" you asked softly, trying to get your arm out of his grip. at this point, prentiss noticed what was going on as she got up and walked over to where you were stuck standing. 

"because," he began, but prentiss interrupted him.

"hey, buddy," she began, causing him to look over at her. "she has a boyfriend. move on."

the guy furrowed his brows in anger before letting go of your arm and walking off. she grabbed the other two drinks and took one from your hand so that you were now holding three and she had the other three.

"thanks for that," you told her, looking over at her. 

"sure thing. one question though," she asked. 

you nodded. "yeah?"

"why didn't you just tell him that you have a boyfriend in the first place?" 

you looked down towards the drinks before responding. 

"sometimes i freeze up," you replied. "i think it's because i get nervous and don't want to come off as a bitch, or something." 

"______," prentiss said as you both got to the table. "you have a boyfriend. use that to keep you from being hit on and keep you safe." 

 "what's happening?" reid asked as you finished handing out the drinks while standing near him, taking a moment to hide behind your glass as you took a sip of the drink. 

"______ was being hit on," prentiss said. "and she didn't even say that she had a boyfriend."

you felt red hot embarrassment coming to your face as you tried not to look at any of them, especially not reid. 

"well," you began to speak up, setting down the drink, and watching as everyone turned to face you. "i didn't want to come off as a bitch." 

your friends looked at you and then between each other. 

"but, _______, you have a boyfriend," garcia said as you sighed, running a hand through your hair before turning around and walking out of the doors to the bar and exiting onto the street. you could feel the tears threatening to come out of your eyes but you wouldn't do it. 

"i knew you'd come back," the guy from earlier said as he approached you. you instinctively put your hand down to get your gun, but you forgot that you didn't have it on you. your pepper spray was inside of the bar with your friends. you were stuck.

he got close enough to you so that you were stuck against the wall as you looked up at him.

in your mind, you were going over everything that happened between the first approach and this second time. you were thinking about how you didn't tell the man that you were dating someone at the first approach he made with you. 

"i'm not out here for you," you told him truthfully. 

"then why would you leave your so called boyfriend inside by himself? a woman like you shouldn't just leave the luckiest man on the planet," he muttered, leaning down to get closer to you. you shook your head, putting your hand on his chest as you pushed him away from you. 

"stop," you told him. "you don't even know me."

"sweetheart," he muttered, his hand gently caressing your face as you pushed his hand off of you. "i'll learn your name soon enough."

at this point, reid had gotten increasingly more worried about you as he came out to see if you were okay or if you had gone home. when he got outside, he was greeted with the image of the guy from earlier trying to get you to go with him in any way possible while you were pushing him away from you.

"hey!" he said, louder than what you expected to come out of his mouth. both you and the guy turned to face him as the man chuckled.

"oh, your guardian angel," he muttered, moving to get closer to him. "how sweet."

"try boyfriend instead," he said, getting close to the guy as you watched what was happening as you got off the wall. you watched as the two of them stood still, staring at each other before reid finally won as the guy walked off. he turned back to face you, somewhat smiling before walking off. 

reid turned to face you, causing you to look away from him as you wiped a tear from off your cheek. 

"i'm sorry," you said softly as he got closer to you. he took your hand in his as he looked at you sweetly.  "reid, i know that you probably are mad at me right now and you have the right to be because i might just be the worst-" 

he cut you off as he pressed his lips to yours. you sunk into it, easily forgetting the past memory of the other guy who kept hitting on you. when he let go, he looked at you sweetly. 

"you're not the worst girlfriend," he muttered softly as you kept your eyes closed, staying close to him. "in fact, ______, you are one of the best girlfriend's i've had."

you opened your eyes, shaking your head. 

"spence, i'm not embarrassed of you," you told him. "i know that's what you're thinking. i know that you probably assume that i'm uncomfortable telling people about you because of what's happened tonight," you continued. "but i'm not. i promise you, i'm not." 

 "hey, hey, sweetheart, look at me," he said gently as your eyes hesitantly met his. "i know what's happened whenever you have said that before you began dating me. it's alright, _____."

you shook your head. "it doesn't seem alright."

reid chuckled slightly, still looking down at you sweetly. 

"but it is," he said back to you. "you don't have to explain your reasonings for doing something to me. unless it's something serious," he finished, gently rubbing his thumb over your cheek as you stared up at him, soon closing your eyes  in response. 

"i love you," you said.

he smiled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"i love you, too." 

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