one hundred and sixty five: telling the team

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author's note: okay, okay, i know that i write a bunch of pregnancy ones (mainly because they're fun to write), but in honor of my friend being pregnant- i'm writing a story inspired by it!! CONGRATS MY FRIEND, I LOVE U DEARLY <3 

also, hi, i'm not deceased ahaha

"how should we tell the team?" you asked reid that morning, pulling your hair back as you contemplated leaving it up or putting it down. reid walked behind you and towards the closet as he searched for a shirt to put on. 

he answered while in the closet.

"well, i have no clue how they haven't noticed yet," he said as you smiled to yourself, putting a hand on your small baby bump that was just starting to show. you tried to conceal it best you could for the last two months before finally feeling comfortable with telling your team as compared to your family and close friends who knew from the first month. 

he came back out from the closet as he looked at you with a smile. 

"what do you think the sex of the baby is?" he questioned, coming towards you as he rest his head against yours as he leaned down. you ran a hand gently over your stomach as you observed it before responding.

"i feel like it's a girl," you muttered, your eyes wandering over the small bump. reid nodded, looking down at your stomach before replying.

"me too," he said. "i just have a gut feeling." 

getting to the bau that morning, you wore a shirt that allowed for your bump to show a little more as you took off your jacket and placed it over your chair. you ran a hand through your hair, looking down at the photos you had on your desk.

you heard hotch calling everyone to the conference room as you looked over at reid who just nodded. you let out a sigh, walking with him to the conference room as garcia joined the two of you. 

"prepare yourself for this case, guys," she muttered as she passed the two of you. 

you looked over at reid nervously, feeling sick as he nodded, holding your hand. 

"hey, hey, you're okay. it's okay," he said as you nodded, putting a hand to your head as you closed your eyes. you took a small inhale before the two of you entered the room. reid walked with you to your seat as you stood up for a second to talk to him before sitting.

"______?" you heard garcia ask.

you turned to face her with a questioning glance. she glanced towards your stomach and was about to say something but you just winked at her and she did a somewhat shocked face. you turned back to reid before sitting down. 

after the briefing, garcia waited for you afterwards as you grabbed your stuff and stood up. she shut the door, the blinds still open, as she looked down at your stomach again. 

"if you want to say it, you can, garcia," you chuckled, reshouldering reid's bag on your shoulder. 

"are you pregnant?" she asked excitedly as you debated on waiting but you were so excited to finally tell people. reid would understand. 

"i am!" you said excitedly. 

"oh my god, _______! how long!" she asked as you ran a hand over your stomach. 

"i'm in my third month," you replied, giving her a soft smile. 

"when were you guys going to tell us!" she said in excitement. 

"well, reid was curious to know when you all were going to notice. i've had a baby bump for a couple weeks now and considering that, he just wanted to know when people were going to notice," you replied with a smile.

"how are you going to tell the others?" she questioned. 

"i'm not sure, spence and i both aren't sure of what's best." 

garcia thought about it for a minute before suggesting something.

"how about, whenever hotch calls me on the jet, i can say congratulations to you and reid and then everyone will ask why i said that?" 

you smiled, opening the door. 

"i'll talk to spence." 

on the jet ride to the case, garcia did what she told you she was going to do as reid looked over at you with a smile. you placed a hand on your stomach as the team looked at you in confusion. 

"congratulations? why'd she say that?" morgan questioned as prentiss nodded in agreement. 

you stood up as you placed your hand on your stomach as j.j. gasped in excitement.

"oh my god!" she said as the rest of the team faced you. 

"are you-?" prentiss asked as you nodded.

"i'm pregnant!" you exclaimed in excitement as the team started to congratulate you and reid. 

"congratulations my friends!" prentiss said as everyone began to congratulate you both and discuss your baby's future at the bau.

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