one hundred and seventy nine: obvious comfort

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 "what are you talking about, garcia?" you muttered, searching through your many cases to go through and get to jj before the end of the day approached. she let out a loud sigh to get your attention as your eyes met hers. 

"_______, come on. it's so obvious," she replied, seeing your weight shift uncomfortably as you didn't meet her eye contact that was desperately trying to get your attention to focus on her. "it's so clear who you're dating, it's quite funny that the two of you kept it a secret for so long."

you finally looked up when your office door opened and jj walked in, asking about the cases.

"i'm trying to find them all," you replied, glancing towards garcia before grabbing the last three you were looking for and adding them to the stack of cases on your desk before handing them all off to jj. when she lef the room, you walked over and shut the door behind her. 

"garcia, how do you even know about any of this?" you asked her as she searched your eyes.

"it's the look you give him, _______," she said. "it's so clear if you just look at your face for a few moments. i bet that if he walked in this room right now, your eyes would get that little sparkle that they did with the last guy you were seeing." 

your eyes glanced off to the side before you felt the door handle being turned, causing you to step away from the door and turn around to face the person who was entering.

"_______, can we seriously just go? i know you had to get those files to jj, but my bed is- hey, garcia," reid said, stopping himself as he noticed garcia standing in your office. you cleared your throat, looking up at reid as he nodded. "okay, well, i'm going to let you two finish your conversation. i need to go talk to morgan anyways."

with that, he closed the door to your office as you let out a sigh. 

"i knew it! i knew you and reid were dating!" she exclaimed as you shushed her. 

"garcia, nobody can know that we're together, okay?" 

she furrowed her brows. 

"why not?"

you went to pick up your bag, gathering your phone and sweater before beckoning her out of your office and into the main room of the bau floor. 

"because it's not technically allowed," you told her, your eyes finding reid from where you were standing as she looked in the direction you were.

"______, wouldn't hotch understand? i mean, look at you two. you can't keep your eyes off each other," she said as you nodded. 

"yeah," you began softly. "yeah."

that night, you walked into reid's bedroom as you watched him read from where you were standing. he felt your eyes on him as he looked up to see you there, smiling a little from the attention being on him.

"what's on your mind?" he asked as you looked away from him.

"what are we doing, spence?" you asked him, coming over and sitting next to him on the bed. he turned his attention towards you before speaking.

"what do you mean?" he questioned.

you felt your head hurting from the thoughts of all of what garcia had said today. 

"you're thinking about something garcia said today, aren't you?" he asked.

you laughed a little.

"are you sure you aren't reading my mind? goodness, spence," you said softly, feeling his hand grab yours as he pulled you into his lap. you laughed, staying close to him as his hand that wasn't holding one of yours was placed onto your lower back to keep you close to him.

"spence, i'm being serious. what are we doing?" you asked him as his hand let go of yours. you kept staring down into his eyes from the way that you were sitting on his lap, waiting for him to answer you. 

his fingers ran along your jawline before running down your bare arm. you got goosebumps from his lingering touch, causing you to clear your throat and remind him of your question. 

"______, do you love me?" he asked.

you nodded, still staring down at him.

"then that answers your question," he replied, kissing your cheek softly as you let out a sigh. you leaned closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder as he held you close. "i love you," he told you softly as you smiled, tightening your hug on him.

"i love you too, spence," you replied, feeling comforted in his arms. 

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