sixty six: are happy

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"garcia, do you want this?" you asked her as you walked up to her, j.j., and emily while they were standing around emily's desk. she furrowed her brows in confusion.

"what is it?"

"a number that a guy gave me," you responded.

"wait, don't you have a boyfriend?" j.j. asked you as you nodded, holding out the slip of paper for her to take. she hesitantly did before you smiled at her momentarily and then walking off to reid's desk.

j.j. furrowed her brows as she watched you interact with him. you were smiling much more now, leaning closer, and just overall standing close and listening intently to what he had to say to you.

when he finished a sentence, you gave him another small smile before responding to his statement as he then answered back with an excited tone of voice.

"what are you-" emily began asking her but j.j. interrupted her question.

"they're dating," she said. "spence is _____'s boyfriend."

"no way," emily said as she turned around to see how you were acting as well before turning back around. "i stand corrected."

"i mean, this is just- wild! i don't understand how reid hasn't managed to drive her insane," she said with a slight laugh. "i mean, with all the scientific talk."

"he's a sweet guy, j.j.," garcia said. "i think you're forgetting how much reid cares for people and how genuinely protective and nice he is too."

j.j. shrugged her shoulders.

"it's just crazy to me," she responded. "i mean, _____ and spence. spence and ______. it sounds so strange but who knows, maybe they'll work out better than i think or any of us think."

"well, i've known since the beginning because i sort of caught them but sure," garcia said with a smile. "go with what you want."

emily looked over at her with raised brows.

"you've known?"

garcia nodded.

"what's the point if i can't have a little fun poking into ______'s love life. i mean, we are best friends and i think i deserve to know who her boyfriend is at least as compared to all other people. so, i managed to catch them outside of the office one day while they were on a date."

"how do you know that they weren't just hanging out?" emily asked as garcia nodded, taking a sip of her coffee.

"emily," she began. "unless you know two people that go to hang out and kiss each other and hold hands the entire time, then what do you call that."

emily and j.j. smiled and laughed a little.

"honestly, as long as spence and _____ are happy."

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