one hundred and eighty: boss problems (part one)

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unlocking the door to your apartment, you jumped at the sight of somebody standing in the middle of your kitchen. the lights came on, allowing you to realize who was standing in front of you as you let out a sigh. you set down your bag and jacket, smiling over at him. 

"spence, i  thought we talked about this," you said to him, hanging up your jacket on the coat rack as he shook his head. your eyes looked back over at him, seeing him let out a heavy sigh. this grabbed your attention as you walked closer to him, grabbing his hands in yours that were tucked in his pockets. "everything okay?" you asked him.

he nodded, looking down into your eyes as you held onto his hands gently. your eyes searched his, waiting for his response.

"yeah, everything is fine," he replied, seeing you smile up at him. "i just had a long day, that's all."

you raised your eyebrows.

"you wanna talk about it?" 

he pulled you closer into his arms, holding onto you protectively. you greatly accepted this gesture, wrapping your arms gently around him as well, keeping you two close together.

"i would rather keep your mind clean of the horrors i have to put up with at my job," he muttered.

"spence, you can tell me," you replied. "it's okay."

"i don't want you having nightmares," he said, pressing a kiss to the side of your head before pulling you close again. 

"okay, spence. i trust you," you said back, letting out a comforted sigh before continuing. "so, why did you break into my apartment?"

he gently ran his hands up your back before replying. 

"i know you don't really like to be jumpscared," he muttered. "but i just really could not wait to see you."

"what the hell happened at work?" you asked him, leaning back to look up at him, your eyes observing his. he smiled back down at you, his fingers gently brushing a piece of hair out of your face. 

"just trust me on this," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "okay?"

you nodded, still staring up at him as he continued to admire you before hearing your phone ringing. reid continued to keep you in his stare before finally snapping out of it and letting go of you to go get your phone. 

you smiled to yourself before turning around to see reid handing your phone back to you. 

you answered it, watching as reid went to the kitchen to fix you both a couple of drinks. you watched as he did this, holding your phone up to talk to whoever called. when you heard your boss on the other end of the phone asking if you could come in, you let out a sigh. reid caught on, stopping with pouring the drinks.

you nodded, running a hand through your hair.

"can this wait until monday morning?" you asked your boss, hearing their response and glancing up at reid before nodding again. "okay, you said enter through the backdoor?" you asked.

reid furrowed his brows, confused as to the way your boss was telling you information.

"wait, the third floor? nobody goes on the- oh, okay," you said. "okay."

you hung up the phone as you looked over at reid, seeing him already staring at you. 

"spence, i- i don't," you said, faltering off on your words as you walked over to him. "my boss just called me. it was the weirdest thing. she told me to-"

"enter through the back door which i know that you do not do at your building and you've told me that the third floor is under construction," he muttered as you nodded. "don't go in, _______. i'm not sure what they're playing at, but i'm calling morgan now." 

he walked into the bedroom to get his phone and call morgan, leaving you alone in the kitchen as you let out a shaky sigh.

"spence," you called out, seeing him come to the doorway to see you. his phone was against his ear as he took it away briefly to respond. 

"yeah?" he asked.

you beckoned him over with your eyes as he got the picture, coming over and holding you close to him before responding to morgan.

"okay, thanks," he said, ending the call. 

"what is happening," you muttered, staying close to him.

he shook his head.

"i have no clue, but your boss may be in trouble," he responded. "we need to get to the bau now. morgan said most of the team is still there from tonight."

you nodded, grabbing your jacket on the way out, accidentally leaving behind your phone and walking out the door with reid. 

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