one hundred and eighty five: perceived jealousy

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as you were walking out of the bau building, a woman came up to you briskly as she held your arm tightly, keeping you close to her. you gave her a confused look, trying to get out of her grasp but she was not letting go. 

"you have to tell me how you got him," she said.

"what? who?" you questioned.

"you got him somehow. and when i kill you, i need to know how you did it so i can have him," she muttered, shoving you in her van before shutting the door. she climbed in her front seat as she drove off. 

you let out a small huff of pain, having hit your head on the wall of the van. you pulled out your phone, finding reid's contact as you began to text him about what had happened. he answered immediately, realizing the situation as soon as you described the lady who took you.

"garcia, i need you to track _______'s phone. the dumbest criminal just abducted her," reid said, entering her office. she nodded, stopping and realizing what he had just said to her.

"wait, i'm sorry. what? she was abducted? by a criminal?" she asked.

he nodded, leaning down over her to see her screen.

"yeah, in broad daylight right as she left the building. and this lady is the dumbest criminal on this list, she didn't even knock her out or take her phone. _______ is texting me as we speak."

garcia chuckled. 

"this should be an easy rescue then," she replied.

"i sure hope so."

catching the lady was simple, and finding you was the easiest thing to do.

reid gratefully welcomed you back in his arms, pressing a few kisses to your temple before leading you outside as you let out a sigh.

"reid, i cannot tell you how pointless the abduction was. i mean, all she asked me was about- oh," you said, suddenly sobering up to the situation and coming to realization as you tried to turn around but reid shook his head, holding you back.

"she was trying to take you from me!" you said, looking up at him as he nodded.

"i know, i know, baby, but it's okay. she was the dumbest criminal we have ever witnessed. she was just super jealous," he muttered, pressing a brief kiss to your lips to settle you down before pulling you close to him. 

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