forty: precious

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"_____, you gotta tell me!" garcia said as she walked quickly after you while you walked away from her with a smile on your face. "oh, come on."

she watched as you kept walking and holding the case files close to your body as morgan came up to her in confusion.

"what's up with you?" he asked.

"_____ won't tell me who she's dating," she responded.

morgan chuckled, causing her to look over at him confused.

"it's so obvious, garcia," he said. "have you not seen the way that reid looks at her? i mean, come on. i know that you aren't a profiler but that's just simply observation. that kid is in love with her entire existence."

garcia sighed.

"i don't observe reid all day like you do, you weirdo," she responded as he laughed, taking a sip of the coffee in his hand.

"look, if we act like we aren't paying attention, they'll slip up in public-" he began but garcia finished a phrase instead.

"like that?" she asked as she pointed in your direction.

reid was tired of keeping the secret of you two dating and had been wanting to come clean now for weeks but he greatly respected your decision to keep quiet. however, this morning he just couldn't handle himself.

"spence," you said sweetly to him. "what if someone saw-" you began but he smiled down at you, rubbing his thumb across your cheek.

"let them look," he said as you stared up at him, your hands were slowly moving down to his pockets. "i love you, and i want everyone to know that."

"but, spence, i-" you began but he shook his head, leaning down and pressing his lips back onto yours as you leaned into it.

garcia gasped a little as morgan chuckled, taking yet another sip of his drink.

"exhibit a, penelope," he began. "don't doubt it when reid's in love- okay now that i think about it, reid has never been in love like this before."

"well, i mean, neither has _____," garcia revealed also. "the last guy she dated was from this office but he's a jerk and tried to get her to do things. sometimes she would tell me about how pressured she felt and how much she was forced to cover up in the work place as compared to usual dress code. i mean, the poor girl was being forced into situations she didn't want and then when she tried to defend herself, he was violent about it all and exploded."

morgan let out a sigh.

"the kid treats her right," he muttered in response. "and he knows how precious she is."

garcia nodded, with a small smile.

"she is, isn't she."

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