eighty: can't help myself (part four)

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"if she was walking from here to her class," elijah began as reid stared him down. "then wouldn't someone have noticed her being attacked or at least followed?"

reid didn't say anything but kept staring at him.

"wouldn't someone have noticed how longingly you look at my _____?" reid responded causing elijah to look up.

"look, i didn't come to make trouble and i truly love working with this team and alongside you and her," he said as reid stayed staring straight at him. "but you gotta know that i find her beautiful."

"and she is," reid said. "see it's not that that i have the problem with. it's you telling her everything in detail that you wanted to do to her."

"you weren't supposed to read that-?" he began but reid shook his head.

"she's my girlfriend," he began. "do you really think she wouldn't of shown me?"

"i guess i thought-" he began but reid's phone started ringing, cutting him off as he answered it.

elijah stared at reid the entire time, trying to find out what made him so attractive to you and he couldn't point out one thing that he didn't have.

"they need us back at the station," he muttered, putting away his phone after looking at the photo he had taken of you on your four year anniversary. "let's go."

"what's going on? did you find out anything?" reid asked as he walked in. you looked up from the victim's photos as morgan and j.j. both waited for you to speak.

"so, there was one witness who saw her. hotch and rossi are talking to them now but we need to make a timeline of the events to see if they line up," you told them as elijah nodded eagerly ready to work alongside you once more.

reid noticed this, looking back over at you with the most jealous sparkle in his eye. you were busy staring down at photos before feeling a gaze upon you, causing you to look up.

reid's jealous look faded slowly away as you smiled at him momentarily before going back to work.

"hey, rookie," j.j. said with a little laugh. "come help me out over here."

you turned to look at what j.j. had going on with her events lining up as you joined them while morgan beckoned reid outside of the room.

"kid," he said as reid turned to face him as he nodded towards another room. he shut the door behind them as reid turned to face him. "what's your deal?"

"with what," he said, trying to play dumb.

"with your girlfriend."

reid looked back towards your direction as he saw you busily writing on the board.

"she's mine," he muttered. "she knows that she is."

"i'm talking more about why you're so jealous over a rookie on the job? he's got a lot to learn, kid, and you're frightened of him?"

"i'm protective is all," he responded. "i was protective over her when kevin arrived, when bryce arrived, when you didn't arrive but started showing feelings. now it's his turn. it's not my fault that i decided to date a beautiful woman."

morgan sighed, looking over at you.

"i think you need to go easy on him," he said.

reid shook his head.

"he wants to mess with me, let him. i'll prove to him that he's nothing to her," reid responded before leaving the room.

the case had ended and everything had been solved.

another case the bau managed to crack.

on the flight home, you had fallen asleep leaning against reid's shoulder. he was reading a book you had given him as elijah stared over at you.

he observed the way your hair had fallen, how at peace you were, how sweet and soft you looked. he wanted to wrap you up in his embrace and kiss you all over.

reid wasn't too worried about keeping you super close right now and he knew if he moved too much, he'd wake you up so he was gladly letting you sleep.

he felt love flowing from his body towards you. he loved and adored you so much.

he just couldn't help himself.

and neither could elijah.

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