one hundred and fifteen: can't help myself (part twelve)

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"j.j., can you help me with something?"

she nodded, looking away from the photos and at reid as he let out a heavy sigh.

"the ring that the rookie stole from me was not a promise ring like i said," he said as she furrowed her brows, crossing her arms over her chest. "it was an engagement ring."

"oh my god!" she said with excitement clearly laced in her words. "congratulations!"

"j.j., i need the ring back. it was custom made because i know how much she always said how she wanted one like her mom's ring but with a twist and it has some of her mom's original ring jewels in it."

"oh my god, reid! that's so sweet! i'll ask the rookie about it subtly, spence," she said with a smile as she turned around. reid thanked her before looking back at you as you were sorting through crime scene photos.

"hey, rookie," j.j. said as she walked up to where he was.

"hey, what's up?"

"not much really, i mean, just working on the case. i could use your help with- what's that?" she asked, pointing to his pocket on his jacket that had a little shape in it.

"oh, nothing."

she raised her eyebrows in response to his statement.

"it's the ring i stole from reid so he can't do anything with it. this will push them back in their relationship."

j.j. chuckled.

"or," she began. "you could give it to me and i could safe keep it. i mean, women are much better keepers of rings and i can hide it much better than just a pocket. it would stay where he can't get it. the ladies room."

the rookie nodded, taking it out of his pocket.

"yeah, no," he muttered, looking down at it.

"i'll propose to her with it. she will love this ring from what garcia said."

"you and garcia have to stop talking."

the rookie kept staring at it.

"elijah," j.j. said harshly. "give me the damn box."

he furrowed his brows.

"you're going to give it to-"

she quickly snatched the box from him as she rushed off to find reid as she gave it to him, the rookie close on her heels.

"give it back!"

"you did take it!" he yelled a little loudly, causing you to look up at them. he gave you a sweet smile to allow you to go back to working as j.j. did the same.

"give me the ring back."

"it wasn't yours in the first place. it's not even really mine, it's _____'s."

"you can't propose to her."

reid furrowed his brows.

"last time i checked rookie, she loved me and not you. she's dated me for five years, not you."

the rookie angrily bit the inside of his cheek as he tried to calm his breathing but he couldn't.

when you got back to the building after the case was finished, you were just wanting to go home and cuddle with reid all night but that was soon to change.

"_____," reid said, stopping you in the hallway. "_____, i need to get something off my chest."

you nodded, looking up at him.

the rest of the team, including the rookie, all stood stopped behind him as you stared up at reid.

"things have been crazy lately, the most crazy that they've been since that incident on our fourth date but i mean, hey, not every drunk is supposed to end up together."

you laughed, recalling the memory.

"i guess what i'm trying to say is that i love you, and i'll do everything i can to ensure that you're so happy and loved and protected," he said, getting down on one knee as your heart rate sped up.

"______, will you-?"

he didn't even finish the sentence because you so eagerly responded.

"yes!" you exclaimed. "yes! yes!"

he smiled, putting the ring on your finger as he collected you up in his arms. you were smiling so much as the team cheered- all except elijah. you were holding onto reid so tightly.

"is this what you lost?"

he nodded.

"how did you get it back?"

"with a little help from my friends," he muttered, pressing a kiss to your neck as he burrowed his head into the crook of your neck. you observed the ring while holding onto him.

"it's like mt mother's," you said softly. he nodded.

"it has some of her original stone in it."

"spence," you said, feeling choked up.

"that's why i was so upset about it. it's a custom made ring just for you and your beautiful hand."

you smiled widely, resting your head on his shoulder as you made sure to keep yourself held tightly against him.

"what do you think the rookie is gonna do?"

"hopefully nothing, but we have to be prepared for anything."

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