one hundred and fifty eight: small gestures

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"you've been working so much, i barely see you," morgan said over the phone as you walked past him. "look, i'll call you later," you heard him say before hearing him hang up. you were trying to give spence his coffee as he caught up to you, getting you to turn around.

"_______, what do i do?" he said, as you furrowed your brows in confusion.

"what?" you asked.

"savannah has been working so much that i barely get to spend any time with her. and when i finally get that time, she's running out the door the next minute," he explained as you turned back around to bring spence his coffee while morgan followed you.

"morgan, i'm not sure how to help you."

he sighed, putting his hand on your shoulder as he got you to stop.

"_____, please," he said softly as you sighed, turning to face him once more.

"okay, well, i'll tell you this. when i didn't have this job and spence and i had first started dating, he was working a lot. he worked a lot of weird hours that were hard for me to find time for him between. but, the small gestures go along way, morgan. if you just show her that you care no matter what and you show her how much you adore her, she'll feel it in the moment and throughout the day. i know that one time when spence was coming home super late from a case, i had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for him and he came and just fell asleep with me on the couch. when i woke up, he was there. it was something small that reminded me of how he meant to me and how much i was fighting for this relationship because of the amount of love he had shown," you explained, staring up at morgan before hearing spence call your name.

you turned around to see him as he took the cup of coffee from you before pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head, pulling you close to him.

you smiled as morgan nodded.

"the small gestures," he said quietly as you nodded.

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