eighty two: needs

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a documentary about starfish was on reid's television as he rest his hand on your back as you laid on top of him, falling asleep ever so slowly. when he looked away from the show, he looked down at you as your eyes starting to close in order for you to go to sleep. 

reid wanted to say something, anything to you, but he felt at a loss of words.

for the first time in his life, he felt like he had absolutely nothing to say. you took his words away. 

a knock on the door of his apartment woke you up, causing you to sit up and look over at it. 

"hey, ____," reid said as you looked over at him with tired eyes. "i can get the door, don't worry  about it."

you looked over towards the door once more as you finally decided to lean on the arm of the couch as you looked at  him.

"i hope it isn't important,"  you muttered. "you're so warm."

he smiled, getting up and  pressing a kiss to your forehead as you smiled to yourself. 

he walked over to the door, opening it to see garcia standing there.

"i don't come over here often but reid, do i have some things to tell you," she said, pushing herself inside his apartment as you looked over at her in confusion.

"garcia, i'm actually," he began but she was  already inside.

"like, when i tell you that my boyfriend is falling in love with _____, i mean it. i just said i wasn't ready for marriage and all of a sudden, he's over here trying to get into _____'s pants! i mean i see it-" she ranted as you piped up finally. 

"hey, garcia," you muttered sleepily, rubbing your eyes a little as you gave her a small smile. 

"oh, oh my, um," she began as you looked over at her while reid shut the door before going over to where garcia was standing as he tried to focus his attention to getting her out. "i'm gonna go but _____, let's talk tomorrow. i need someone to help me."

you nodded, giving her a soft smile as she exited and reid locked the door behind her. 

"spence," you said softly, reaching out your arms slightly as you waited for him to come to you. he laughed a little, coming over and embracing you fully as you closed your eyes and held back onto him loosely from being tired. 

"you're so needy," he muttered, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you cuddled yourself further into his hold. 

"you're all i long for," you muttered, tightening your hold on him. 

"you're all i will ever need," reid responded, pressing another few kisses to the top of your head before turning his attention back to the documentary as your grip slowly loosened as you slowly began to fall asleep. 

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