seventy seven: can't help myself (part two)

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welcome to part two of this mini series! and welcome back to my book. if you guys didn't know from my updates on my page, i've been dealing with heavy, heavy emotions surrounding heavy, heavy topics.


i was struggling with s*icidal thoughts & d*pr*ssion.
it was so hard to deal with & the loss of my grandmother didn't help either :(

(rest in peace, nana. i'll always love you & i'll see you soon <3)
but as you can imagine i couldn't write or focus on anything. it caused me to get behind in my school work and question everything.

but im taking a gap year starting at the end of this coming semester and i'm not going back to college:)

i'll be okay, once i continue to focus on my needs:)
thank you to the ones who offered support or reached out to me. i love you & you know who you are.

now onto the chapter!!

"_____, can we talk?" elijah asked as you looked away from the board that you and reid were writing on and studying. you nodded, following him outside of the room as he cleared his throat a little.

"those texts weren't a mistake. i was going to say they were but they weren't. i meant for you to know how badly i adore you and want you," he said. "you're irresistible, _____. why does he get to have you?"

you took a step back.

"get to have me?"

"yeah, why is that man in there so lucky? why does he get to date you? why are you his?"

you cleared your throat.

"each to their own, i guess, but elijah," you began. "i'm very happy in my relationship with spence. you cannot let him know about any of this and i'll keep it a secret from him if you can also do the same. you can't go around saying these things out loud because someone might-"

"he what!"

you turned to face the voice as you saw reid looking at j.j. with a somewhat angry and jealous expression on his face. he focused the emotions towards where you were standing.

you put your head in your hands as reid came outside of the room.

"the rookie," he muttered, the anger seeping through his voice. "the rookie!"

you looked up at him, noticing him staring down towards elijah as you took a somewhat shaky inhale. reid looked over at you.

"can we talk," he said a little sternly. you nodded, walking away to another room where you took a seat on top of the table as you waited for reid. you couldn't believe someone had heard and told.

it was going to make everything with spence unpredictable.

you heard the door shut as you looked up to see your boyfriend leaning against it with a jealous look covering his features as he stared at you with crossed arms.

"spence," you said softly. "he sent me those texts. i didn't engage in anythi-" you tried to explain but reid cut you off as he pressed his lips to yours. you sunk into it, going nearly limp in his grasp as he kept you close.

when he let go, he stared down at you as he rubbed his thumb gently over your cheek. your eyes were closed as you stayed still and enjoyed the feeling of him holding you closely.

"you're all mine, sweetheart," he muttered. "i'm not trying to sound possessive either, but you're my girlfriend. i love you, angel."

you nodded ever so lightly, not wanting him to stop what he was doing. he pressed a kiss to your forehead as you leaned closer to him.

"you're my girlfriend," he repeated. "you're my angel."

you hummed gently as reid pressed another kiss to your forehead with a small, jealous smile on his lips.

"spence, it's not like i was going to date him. he's not my boyfriend and nobody can beat the way that you make me feel."

"he needs to know," he responded as he kept you close to him. "and i'll be the one to tell him."

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