quick update- please read for information!!

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hey, guys!! this is a quick update on this book, so please read through this to know updates and what's going on with writing!

first things first: writing. 

i am still writing on this book!! it may not seem like it, but i come onto the app whenever i'm out and about to check on reads, votes, comments, dm's, etc. that have to do with just my account in its entirety. i try to write more on my computer because i can type much faster on there and it causes me to write longer chapters because of the space on here as compared to my phone.

most of the shorter chapters are written on my phone whenever i have an idea and need to get it out, whereas most of the longer chapters are written on my computer. 

my computer charger broke the other day (i fell asleep with my computer plugged in to charge overnight, leaving my computer on my bed, and i kicked it off in the middle of the night and i woke up to see it broken lol), so i had to buy a new one. it just came in today, so that's how i'm writing this one!!

finally getting my computer charged :)

second: updates

yes, updates are coming. yes, i have drafts written in this book. yes, i haven't been updating.

i have so many projects i'm currently working on that i'm excited to share as my phase two begins!! it won't begin for another few weeks most likely, but who knows. ;)

i will be updating soon in this book- i just need to get some more inspiration and ideas written down :)

i also want to go back and finish up my open ended series in this book, because it won't feel complete until i do. 

that's all for my current updates of what's going on!! i love you all!!

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