twenty one: cheating

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"is she okay?" prentiss asked garcia as she shrugged, taking a sip of her coffee while you stayed staring down at the work on your desk before sitting back and letting out a sigh, running a hand through your hair.

"she just got cheated on so i have no clue," garcia said as she and prentiss both watched you before j.j. came up and got a cup of coffee for herself.

"what are you two talking about?" she asked, stirring in the final remains of sugar and then turning to face the two women.

"reid cheated on _____," garcia said as prentiss nodded.

"hold on, wait," she said. "are you sure that's true?"

garcia looked over at her. "it's what i was told by kevin."

"and who told kevin?" she asked, taking another sip of her drink.

"the guy who always wears the bow ties- oh my god! are you serious right now? i fell for the guy that's in love with _____? damn it," garcia said as j.j. laughed as they watched you get up and go over to reid's desk where you sat down on the desk itself.

the girls silently watched you sit down next to him as he looked up at you, nodding at some times while you ran a hand through your hair before looking over at them, reid joining you in this, as they all suddenly noticed.

"oh, they're looking at us," garcia said as you got up from where you were sitting as you came over to them.

"hey, guys," you said sweetly. "so, i, uh, i heard some rumors going around today."

they all grew silent as you looked up from your watch.

"so, who said that reid was cheating on me?" you asked.

prentiss looked down into her coffee as j.j. chuckled.

"garcia told us," she said. "she heard it from kevin."

"oh, and who did kevin hear it from?" you asked, leaning against the small section of wall behind you as the girls looked between each other.

"the guy who wears the bowties," garcia muttered as you nodded, letting out a sigh.

"well," you began. "thanks for telling me, but please don't go around spreading that as facts. just come to me or reid next time," you told them sweetly as you stood up and walked back over to where reid was as you told him everything, smiling up at him sweetly. he smiled back down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you leaned closer to him.

"i guess i couldn't see reid cheating on her in the first place," garcia said. "so, another reason why i shouldn't believe this type of stuff. i mean, look at him."

you had your hands now intertwined with his as you leaned back a little to talk to him, smiling up at him as you nodded in response to something he had said.

"it's like she's the only woman he'd give up anything for," garcia continued as j.j. nodded.

"have you not hear his rambling?" she asked.

prentiss looked over at her. "about the halloween festival next week? yeah, i heard all of it."

"no," she said with a laugh. "about _____. when i tell you that it felt like it went on for hours, i mean it went on for almost two hours of him just saying things about her that i never thought i'd ever hear someone say before. they're really in love, garcia," she told her as prentiss and garcia both nodded.

"well, i'm never believing anything anyone says again because they are the absolute cutest and i wouldn't dare put my judgement into someone else's opinion or jealousy," garcia said as morgan came out and called everyone to the conference room.

you looked over at him, nodding before turning back to face reid with a smile.

"alright, pretty boy," you told him sweetly. "let's go kick some criminal ass."

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