one hundred and eighteen: can't help myself (part fifteen)

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waking up in the middle of the night in a panic wasn't good for you or reid.

that night you sat up in a hurry, pushing yourself against the back of the bed as reid woke up from you doing this as he quickly turned on the lamp on the nightstand.

"_____, angel, what's wrong?"

you didn't want to look at him as you just got up and went into the kitchen where you found the drug that reid had been using before becoming sober.

you held the needle in your hand, dipping it into the liquid as you shakily held it in your hand. you didn't know what this drug could do to you at all.

it could kill you or paralyze you from an allergic reaction. you just had no clue.

"_____, hey," reid said as he came into the kitchen, seeing what you were considering as he shook his head, reaching for the needle. "no, no. don't use this."

you tightened your grip on it as he tried to take it, causing him to look at you.

"_____, baby, don't do this. talk to me. talk to me," he said to you, seeing your eyes still on the needle as your breathing was heavy. reid looked at you desperately, seeing your hold on the needle slowly loosen as he took it out of your hand and set it down on the table. you were still staring down at the bottle in your hand as reid slowly moved and began to try and take it out of your hand, feeling your hold begin to loosen up as well.

"______," he said your name again as you slowly handed over the bottle. he watched your actions intently before you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.

"spence," you said softly before wrapping your arms around him and holding him close to your body. you didn't want to let go of him at all- reid could feel it in the way that you were holding him.

"tell me what happened, sweetheart," he muttered softly.

"he's getting into my head, spence. i need to put away the pain," you muttered.

"do not do what i did," he said gently. "he may have broken my sobriety but i will work on it again and i will work on it with you."

you tightened your hold on him.


he nodded. "yeah?"

"let's get married right now."


you nodded, slowly letting go to look at him. "lets go get married right now."

"_____, i want to cherish our engagement."

you continued to look up at him.

"i could, i don't know," he began, running a finger along your jawline as you stared up at him lovingly. "love on you?"

"on or in me, spence," you said gently, his finger traveling down towards your collarbone as you let out a heavy sigh.

"whichever you prefer," he said softly.

you stared up at him, watching his every move as he admired your every feature. you couldn't take it anymore as you pressed your lips to his. reid took no hesitation in taking control as he kept you close while leading you back into the bedroom where you laid down as he smiled down at you before pressing another kiss to your lips.

the next day at work, you were spinning aimlessly around in your chair when reid came up behind you, pressing a kiss to your cheek before you felt his finger traveling back against your jawline.

you smiled to yourself, closing your eyes as you let out a sigh.

"spence, we cant right now," you muttered softly as he continued to run his finger down your jaw slowly.

"we've done it plenty of times before," he said gently.

the rookie looked over, seeing how you were reacting to the way reid was handling you. he started thinking of a way he could get you, he began thinking about how it would work so well since you were turned around and you could not even know if it was reid or not.

he smiled to himself, taking a sip of his coffee because now he had a plan.

when arriving at the police station, you were sitting alone in a room trying to look over the crime scene photos to see if you noticed anything about them that seemed like a signature but you couldn't find one so far.

the rookie took a deep breath before opening the door to where you were sitting and coming up behind you, hesitating before finally placing his finger on your jawline as he began to slowly move down it.

you shook your head, letting out a sigh as you spoke up.

"spence, not right now," you muttered softly. "we can later tonight."

the rookie smiled to himself, looking everywhere around him to make sure no one was coming as you stayed seated. his finger began to slowly slide down to your collarbone and because reid had done it that night, you weren't questioning it.

"spence," you muttered. "we have a case right now," you said softly. "i need to get on with my work."

you cleared your throat a little but the rookie had you now. he had you to himself and under his control. he felt all powerful.

you let out another sigh before hearing reid walk in the door.

"what in the hell are you doing to my girlfriend!"

you quickly sat up, realizing who it was as compared to who you thought it was as you stood up quickly, a little too quickly to get away from, and passed out because of it.

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