eighty nine: they don't have to know (part two)

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"_____, can i talk to you for a second?" reid asked softly as he quietly finished putting things in his go bag. morgan was turned away from the two of you at his own desk and garcia had gone to her office so reid took the chance.

you looked up at him, nodding, before surveying the area and then zipping your bag up and setting it down in your chair. reid did the same before you followed him off to a side room where he shut the door.

he smiled at you, causing your heart to skip a beat as you smiled back up at him. there was a momentary pause before he finally pressed his lips to yours as you immediately gave into the feeling.

"so, morgan tried to kiss you?" he asked as you looked up at him while he kept eye contact with you. you sighed.

"it was just to prove something, honey, nothing more and nothing less," you told him sweetly. he pressed another kiss to your lips before letting go once more.

"you know," he said softly. "maybe this could be a good thing that they're both interested in either of us. although, i find it a little odd that garcia would find me attractive."

you pressed another kiss to his lips before letting go again, pulling him into a hug as you held onto him tightly.

"she asked for my permission to ask you out on a date today, spence," you said softly, feeling his grip on you tighten.

"did you say it was okay?"

"what the hell else am i supposed to say? they don't know that we've been back together for a few weeks now. i mean, we only broke up for a month."

he sighed, pressing a kiss to your forehead before checking his watch.

"uh, we should probably get going before anyone gets suspicious," he said as you nodded, letting go and getting ready to leave. reid smiled at you again before pulling you back to him and pressing his lips back onto yours with a little more love shown through the kiss. when he let go, you smiled up at him.

"i love you," you told him as he smiled back at you.

"i love you too," he replied.

"garcia, anything yet?" morgan asked her over the phone while she continued searching through every message she could find between the two of you.

"all i have is reid asking her to come over to his place to watch a new documentary he found," she said. "he even said that it was about- oh my god!"

"what? what is it?" morgan asked, making sure none of the other team members where listening in on his conversation with her to figure this all out together.

"reid's so called documentary has to be a cover up or, like, some sort of, i don't know, metaphor for them sleeping together!" she said. "i have never seen so much sexual tension within a text before!"

"garcia, are you sure that's what he's doing?" he asked.

"i don't know, derrick. you're the profiler. you tell me," she said.

"hey, babygirl, don't get so upset. send it over to me and let me read it and i'll decide and call you back," he said, about to hang up but garcia stopped him.

"what if they are sleeping together again?" she asked as he looked over at you while you talked to j.j. about some of her talking points that hotch had informed you give to her.

"then, we stop it at the root of the issue. it's our feelings and desires, garcia. we're gonna need to stop it somehow to let them know how we're feeling so they can decide," he said. "just send it over. i gotta go."

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