fifty four: right again

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"she is insane," morgan muttered to himself as you were passing him. you looked up from the case you had in your hands as you looked up at him.

"who is?"

"garcia," he responded, looking over at you as you held onto the case, moving it to where you were holding it against your chest as you listened. "she wants to go apologize to the guy who almost killed her and reid."

you let out a sigh. "she's been going through a lot, morgan."

"i know that, but it still doesn't justify her going to say sorry to a murderer," he said. "he almost killed them! he's a piece of scum!"

"morgan, hey," you said softly to him, calming him down as he looked back over at you. "it's garcia we're talking about. if anything, i would support her through going to talk to someone like him. yes, he's a horrible person. he almost killed them, but she barely can stand the sight of blood and she needs someone."

"how would you feel if reid went off and tried to do this?" he asked.

"i would support him," you replied, nodding slightly. "because i love him. and if you love garcia, even just as a friend, you need to be there for her and support her. i know it's somewhat dumb, but if it helps her with closure of some sort- be there for her."

morgan sighed, looking behind him as he watched garcia gathering a few things before walking back in your direction.

"listen, i wouldn't want to go say something nice or apologize to the man who almost tried to kill my boyfriend but she deserves the support," you told him. "and that's the least you can give to her."

you walked off from him as she approached which only promoted morgan to turn around and look at you as you walked away.

you had found reid and you two were now both talking about your weekend plans that you had both been trying to plan for a while now and finally got the free weekend to do so.

"i guess you're right yet again, ______."

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