forty three: family tree

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as you stood next to hotch, j.j. talked to the officer as reid looked over the entire family tree that they had printed out name by name and connected. you were observing the same areas that reid was as the officer turned back to j.j.. 

"i've learned to stop asking questions about this guy," he said as j.j. chuckled, looking over at you as you stepped closer to reid, grabbing onto his arm as you stepped into a space that was empty to observe a section. "but i still have no good read on her."

j.j. shrugged. 

"she's just as curious as him," j.j. responded as you suddenly spoke up. 

"spence," you said aloud, catching everyone's attention as he looked up at you. you pointed to a name by your left foot as you watched him furrow his brows in confusion to your call out of the name. "this, this is it. it has to be something."

"what is it?" j.j. asked. 

"there's something strange about this one  branch of the family tree," he muttered as you turned around, calling for garcia in question as reid looked back down at the name and the surrounding and connecting names. 

"talk to me. i am fluent in genius," she responded to you. 

"roy and becky danary, they died in 1985, leaving behind a son named william danary, but there's no record of what happened to him," you told her as reid looked back up at you. 

"the danarys were peace corps workers in  ecuador. they died in a car accident there," she said. "and you're right, their kid just sort of vanished. let me go do some digging and i will call you back."

you looked back over at reid before looking down towards the name once more as j.j. spoke up.

"all right, well, we profiled the unsub as delusional. what if stoughton being a great-great-great whatever is just part of his delusion?" she asked, looking over at hotch. 

"or the discovery of being a direct descendent triggered the delusion," hotch responded as you looked back up at reid.

"he looked into his ancestry," reid muttered as he kept observing the entire family tree. 

the officer spoke up this time. 

"that would be easy to do here. salt lake city has the largest family history library in the world," he said as you bit your lip a little.

"gloria carlyle researched herbert sykes' ancestry," hotch began. 

reid picked up where he had finished his statement. "abby stafford was a bookish college student." 

"maybe that's where they crossed," j.j. said as you focused on observing reid. "at a library." 

"j.j., have garcia get the names of all the employees and volunteers in the provo and salt lake city library system and cross-check those with descendants of william stoughton." 

 hotch and j.j. left the room as you stayed there with reid, continuing to go over everything about the ancestry as the officer observed the two of you. 

"you know," he spoke up, causing you to look up at him. "i don't truly understand either of you." 

reid smiled to himself as you questioned the officer. 

"i understand not being able to understand spence- reid, sorry," you corrected yourself, seeing him raise a brow in your direction as you looked over at him briefly. "but i'm just an averagely intelligent profiler."

"but you and him together?"

you nodded. "he brings it out in me," you replied as the officer nodded before leaving the room as you looked over at reid.

"don't do that," you said with a slight smirk, reaching over for his arm as he gave it to you. 

"do what?" he asked as you grabbed onto his arm. he helped you over the papers before finishing his sentence. "this?" he asked before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your lips as you smiled into it. 

"spence," you said as soon as he let go, giving you a sweet smile afterwards. "we can't do that when we have a case going on."

reid frowned slightly, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pulled you closer to him, keeping a firm grip around your body. 

"i know," he said softly. "but sometimes you need reminding. i mean, after all, sometimes you can't seem to get focused on anything else but me."

"spence, are you-? of course you are," you replied, letting go slightly to look up at him. 

"observing your behavior? always, sweetheart," he responded. "morgan doesn't know what he's talking about when he tells me about how he thinks you're feeling." 

"morgan observes my behavior?" you asked, looking up into his soft brown eyes. 

"honestly, i think he only does it so that he can make sure that i'm not hurting you," he replied. "you and morgan are pretty close and i think he feels protective over you which i understand."

you smiled to yourself before looking back up at him, standing up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek before looking over at the family tree once more. someday, you two would have your own family tree. 

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