one hundred and seventy four: for you

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"garcia, i need to talk to you," you told her urgently as you walked around reid's apartment. you had the drugs reid used in your hand as your other hand held the phone to your ear.

you could hear keys jangling outside of the door as you turned to face it.

"he's home. i'll call you back," you told her before hanging up and waiting for the door to open. you were anxious.

when he opened the door, he set his bag and coat on the chair that sat beside the door and then let out a sigh before looking up.

"______! i thought you worked late today?" he questioned about to come over but you just stared at him.

"what's this?" you asked him, your eyes observing his as he let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair before walking closer to you.

"_____, you gotta believe me. i tried to quit, but i just couldn't do it," he said, his hand reaching out and grabbing yours as he stared down at the drugs. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you, but-"

you shook your head.

"i need to call someone for you if you can't stop," you told him. "i want to help you, spence. i don't want you to wrestle with this anymore."

he shook his head, pulling you back.

"doll, i'm fine. i'm okay," he muttered as you looked off to the side.

"if you were okay, wouldn't you have given up the drug or tried to get help? you always tell me how much you trust me and how you'll tell me anything," you said softly. "look, spence, i understand that giving up a drug is difficult. but you have to trust me enough to let me at least help you try."

he leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he took the drugs from your hand.

"what are you doing with them?"

he looked over at you as he went to his kitchen. you followed him, seeing him put the drugs in a plastic bag before sealing it and dropping it in the trash can.

you looked up at him, watching him come over to you and embrace you in a tight hold.

"i'll do whatever i can for you," he said, holding you tightly as you nodded. you embraced him back, closing your eyes as you kept him close. "i promise."

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