forty nine: five years

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"happy five year anniversary!" you said excitedly as you leapt up onto reid's back in the morning and held on tightly as he made sure you didn't fall. he laughed a boyish laugh as you pressed a kiss to his cheek. "i can't believe you've been mine for 1,825 days."

"if you count the leap year, it's actually been 1,826 days," he responded as you smiled sweetly.

"either way," you responded. "you're still mine."

"always have and always will be," he responded back, looking over at you in the mirror as you rest your head on his shoulder with your eyes closed.

"you're so pretty, ______," he said softly as he let go of you as you dropped gently down to the floor once more as you looked up at him.

he turned around and gave you a soft smile, rubbing your cheek with his thumb as you leaned into his touch.

he leaned down slowly and pressed his lips to yours as you sunk into it. when he let go, you smiled up at him sweetly.

"i still can't believe we've been dating for five years, spence," you told him honestly, staring up into his beautiful brown eyes. "i love you."

he smiled back, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "i love you too, beautiful."

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