one hundred and thirty eight: staying over

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"do you ever sleep?" you muttered, sitting up from the couch as you squinted at the bright television light. reid was still sitting on the couch next to you, but he was reading through several books. he didn't look up when you asked your question. 

you sighed, putting the blanket back on the couch as you found your shoes, finding your sweatshirt that you had stolen from him shortly thereafter. reid looked up when he heard you starting to collect things. 

"hey, hey, where are you going?" he asked, looking over at you as you ran your fingers through your hair. 

"home, spence. it's late," you muttered, yawning a little afterwards. reid closed the book, standing up as he came over and took the sweatshirt out of your hands. you smiled sleepily, looking up at him. "what are you doing?" you asked, laughing a little.

"i want you to stay," he said softly, holding onto your sweatshirt as you laughed a little. 

"spence, i have to go home," you said, trying to take your sweatshirt back, but he shook his head as he held onto it tighter. 

"_______, i like it whenever you're here. you're all i want," he said softly as you continued to stare up at him sweetly. "please just stay. you're way too tired to drive home anyways."

you sighed, looking off in another direction.

"okay," you said, looking back up at him as he smiled down at you, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek as you smiled to yourself. you leaned into it, closing your eyes for a moment before opening them once more. "can i have my sweatshirt back?" you asked.

reid looked down at it, laughing a little. 

"isn't this mine?" he asked.

you smiled to yourself, looking up at him.

"it's comfortable," you muttered. 

reid laughed a little, handing it back to you. 

"you're cute in it," he said, kissing your forehead as you smiled. you began to put it on as reid went back to his books, beginning to study them again. you took your shoes off again and set your bag down as you walked over to where he was sitting. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as you rest your head down on his shoulder. 

"if you're making me stay the night," you began, reaching for his hand as he gave it to you. "you could at least read your books on the couch, spence."

he laughed a little. 

"okay," he said, grabbing a couple of the books as he got on the couch, the television still on. you climbed basically on top of him as you cuddled yourself into his hold. "______, what is going on with you?" 

"your sweatshirt is comfortable, so i sleep in it most every night," you began as he looked down at you. you were tracing random shapes onto his shirt as you spoke. "but now that i have you here, i'm getting comfortable with you," you said softly. 

reid smiled, tightening his hold on you. you let out a comfortable sigh, closing your eyes as you fell asleep peacefully. 

reid looked down at you, seeing that you had fallen asleep as he smiled to himself. 

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