eighty six: baby

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"_____!" morgan called your name out in the office as you looked over at him sitting with prentiss and garcia in the coffee nook area.

you got up, walking over as you raised your eyebrows in confusion and questioning.

"one month," morgan said as he raised his cup to you as you furrowed your brows, resting a hand on your stomach.

"morgan, you're acting more excited than spence and it's not even your baby," you laughed, taking a seat in the nearest chair as you let out a small sigh.

"who wouldn't be excited! you and reid are having a baby together!" garcia said as prentiss laughed.

"garcia and morgan are really thinking that this is now their child you're about to have," prentiss joked as you laughed before feeling a small pain in your stomach causing you to wince.

"you okay?" morgan asked as you nodded, taking a deep breath before smiling at them once more.

"do we have a case?" you asked as morgan nodded.

"it's a murder," he replied as you nodded, standing up as the three of them watched you cautiously.

"why are you guys worrying so much? im fine!" you said with a smile.

"are you sure that wasn't a contraction?" garcia asked as you nodded.

"yep," you replied. "i'm sure. i'm positive."

morgan furrowed his brows in confusion as you gave them a smile before walking back over to your desk as you took a seat, rubbing your stomach gently.

reid came back from talking to j.j. as he made his usual stop at your desk.

"hey, there she is! my beautiful, most loved and adored, gorgeous girlfriend!" reid said excitedly as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. you smiled to yourself, looking up at him when he sat down before you winced again.

you rubbed a hand over your stomach before looking at reid once again.

"you okay?" he asked as you looked up at him and nodded, giving him a small smile.

"yeah, i'm fine, i'm just great," you told him, resting your hand on your stomach still as you continued to smile at your boyfriend.

"is this the first contraction you've had today?" he asked as you shook your head slowly.

"i had one earlier," you muttered, looking at him.

"how long ago is earlier?" he asked sweetly.

"about eight minutes," you muttered.

reid cleared his throat.

"_____, sweetheart," he said. "you're going into labor."

you shook your head, looking at him.

"spence," you muttered, smiling at him. "i'm fine, i'm okay. im not going into labor because he's not due yet."

reid chuckled, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"you'll need to leave for the hospital at around five to six minutes, angel, and that's not too far from eight minutes," he said. "are you sure you don't want to just go now? while i'm here?"

you shook your head. "i'm fine, spence. im not going into labor at all."

reid pressed another kiss to your cheek as soon as you said this, causing you to smile sweetly at him.

"oh, god," you said, wincing more aggressively than before as you were about to stand up from the chair in the conference case room.

everyone looked over at you, including reid as he came over to where you were sitting.

"hey, hey," he said sweetly. "how long?" he said.

you shook your head, giving him a smile.

"spence, i'm fine. the doctor told me that as long as i can talk through these-" you had to stop because of the pain once more as you gripped the chair arms once again.

"does anyone know how long it's been? i need to know! i need someone to know!" reid said frantically.

prentiss shook her head as well as morgan and garcia wasn't sure. hotch and rossi had no clue as well and j.j. didn't have her watch on at the current moment.

"oh my god," he said as he checked the current time before finally looking down once more to see the time again at the time you were having another contraction. "we're at three minutes, _____, three minutes!"

you grabbed his hand, causing him to look down at you.

"spence, you need to keep yourself calm. i can't have you freaking out if i'm already- oh my god," you said, gripping the chair once more.

"we're getting you to the hospital," reid said.

you shook your head. "nope, he's not coming. he is not coming. he's not coming at all."

reid shook his head.

"sweetheart, he's coming," he said. "we have to go."

"i'm not ready to be a parent," you said softly, looking up at him with tears.

he smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead.

"i know you might not be ready but i can tell you that our baby is ready for us to do this," reid said. "he wants us here for him every second now. he's ready for us to become parents."

you continued to stare at him with teary eyes.

"_______, we're going to go to the hospital and you're going to have a baby and everything is going to be okay."

you nodded, gripping his hand as you stood up, looking up at him.

"let's go have a baby," you said softly as everyone began getting ready to go get you to the hospital.

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