twenty nine: october third

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rossi had invited you and reid to come visit the bar he adored so much with him on your night off. you both had agreed, seeing as you had nothing else better to do that night anyways. the three of you were sitting at a table as a man sang on the karaoke machine behind rossi and another guy was passed out drunk behind you both.

"right over there," rossi said as you turned around to look at the man that was passed out on the table. "that's where i saw carolyn the first time."

you turned back to face rossi as reid looked around.

"no offense, rossi, but this place is kind of a dump," reid said honestly as you nudged his side with your elbow, causing him in turn to grab your hand in his as he held onto it in his lap with both of his hands. you smiled to yourself as reid held onto your hand tightly.

"oh, back then it wasn't. back then, the biggest names would come here. creedence, the eagles, chicago. it was a marine bar. they played for us jarheads- what are you two doing?" he asked after he finished explaining some backstory of the bar.

you cleared your throat. "nothing, nothing."

"i can't invite you two out anywhere together ever again," rossi said as you felt reid's hand going up your arm before you lightly hit his leg with your foot which caused him to stop what he was doing and go back to keeping your hand in his.

"sorry, rossi," you said. "continue."

"well, as i was saying," he began. "they played for us jarheads."

"what was caroline doing here?" you asked as reid pulled your chair closer to his as he ran his fingers up and down the bottom part of your arm that was hidden by the table as you let out a weird sigh. rossi looked at you in confusion before responding.

"waiting for ringo," he told you. beatlemania was no joke. i mean, it would make the women crazy. she'd write them a letter once a week, begging the band to come visit."

reid spoke up this time. "did they ever come?"

he nodded. "ringo did, after his divorce. but luckily, carolyn met me first. but that's how we all became friends."

you nodded, watching as the lady set down all of your drinks as she and rossi began to have a conversation as you turned to look at reid who was looking down towards your hand as he gently ran his fingers up your arm.

"what's up with you tonight, spence?" you asked him as he smiled.

"you look really pretty," he said as you smiled back at him. he looked up at you. "and rossi explaining his love life here is making me remember where we first fell in love. or at least, where i first fell in love."

"which was?" you asked. "and if you say when you spilled your coffee on me on halloween, i swear."

he chuckled. "actually, i was going to say that."

you nudged him as you let out a small gasp before he pressed a brief kiss to your forehead.

"i was joking! i was joking," he said. "the night that you came over after the day at work when it dealt with a really big case," he began.

"the case where you almost died?" you asked, tensing up as reid continued to run his fingers over your arm softly which caused you to relax once more.

"yeah, that case," he said. "when you came over that night, you were talking to me about death and how losing my life could've hurt so many people, including you and especially my mom, and as you were talking to me, you got this little look in your eye. it was a sparkle. and i think it was because of what you were trying to get through to me but i have-"

"spence, it was because i was with you. i always get this certain way with you," you explained before letting him continue with what he was saying. when he knew you were finished speaking, he continued.

"it was that time, when you were really speaking to me about my decisions i had been making, that i fell in love with you," he said, giving you a sweet smile.

"i will say that i didn't fall in love with you when you almost died," you responded softly, looking up at him. "because that just made me terrified. but i remember as well when i fell in love with you."

he raised his eyebrows. "and?"

you looked back towards rossi as the lady said something.

"what's that thing they say about competition?"

"it breeds success?" reid spoke up before turning his attention back to you.

"it sucks," she said as you laughed a little before she thanked you three and then proceeded to walk away. rossi's phone began going off which caused the three of you to get up, starting to get going to the bau but reid pulled you back.

"i want to know," he said as you stared down at him in his eyes. "i want to know when you first fell in love with me."

you smiled down at him, running a few fingers through his hair as he stared up at you.

"you're the smartest guy in the room but damn, spence," you began. "you couldn't seem to notice that i've loved you ever since we became friends."

he smiled up at you sweetly.

"and now i get to date you," you said. "like, the miracles that happened to get you to love me back as much as i love you are truly incredible."

he continued smiling before standing up and pressing a kiss to your lips very intensely as rossi walked back in.

"come on, lovebirds, we have a case."

reid let go slowly as he smiled at you still.

you felt your heart beating heavily and you couldn't take the smile off of your face.

"october third is when i first knew that i loved you, spence."

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