one hundred and ninety: safe haven

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"spence, can i talk to you?" you asked him, walking into the area where he was interviewing the thirteen year old boy. he looked over at you, his eyes staying on you and what you were doing. he looked up at you, nodding before handing the information and interviewing off to morgan who took his spot temporarily. 

when you two exited the room, you led him over to a more secluded part of the building where nobody could really see the two of you. 

"hotch wanted me to give you these," you told him softly, putting a hand to your head as you let out a heavy sigh, waiting for him to take the papers. when he did so, he looked up at you once more after he stopped the beginning of his rant. 

"hey, hey, what's going on?" he asked gently as you closed your eyes, feeling a few tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. reid reached up and gently wiped the tears off your cheeks, waiting for you to open your eyes and look at him. "hey, baby, look at me."

you slowly opened your teary eyes, looking up at him as he gently rubbed his thumb over your cheek, giving you a gentle smile. your eyes never left his as you let out a small, shaky sigh.

"what's going on? why are you so upset?" he questioned.

"i, um," you began, still staring up at him. "i just, this case is so," you began, trailing off as he nodded. 

"i know, i know," he said softly, pulling you into his hold as he kept you close to him. you rest your head in the crook of his neck, closing your eyes once more. 

"even if we aren't together during parts of this case, you know that i'm still here. i'm not leaving you," he told you softly as you nodded, tightening your hold on him. he ran his hands along your back gently, keeping you close to him.

"i know it's a lot today," he said softly. "and these cases are always the worst. but you know what could be the outcome."

you nodded, your hands lighting gripping onto his shirt.

"i'm right here, you'll be okay," he said softly, pressing a kiss to the side of your head before slowly letting go of you. "will you be okay?" he asked, looking down into your eyes while he softly wiped away a falling tear. 

you nodded, closing your eyes briefly before looking back up at him.

"can you come over after work?" you asked him. 

he nodded, gently brushing his fingers through your hair. 

"of course," he replied. 

when he was about to go off and back into the interview, you pulled him back to you. he smiled at you, pressing a soft kiss to your lips momentarily before letting go and pressing one to the side of your head.

"are you okay now?"

you nodded.

"thank you, spence."

when reid went back into the interview room, morgan stood up to go greet him. when he got over to him, he questioned what had happened.

"it was ______," he said softly. 

"is she okay?" morgan asked. 

jeremy was listening into the conversation from where he was sitting, confused as to what was happening.

"yeah, it was just, uh, the case," reid said. "it's just getting to her, that's all."

morgan nodded as reid suddenly had a thought.

"jeremy," reid said, coming over to where the kid was sitting. he nodded slowly, stemming from being uncomfortable in the current situation. "i think i understand you."

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