five: mother's opinion (part two)

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author's note: just starting this continuation & it already has over 400 reads which is crazyyyy. you guys are the best!!

you were doing your best to focus on the case but your mother's voice was still ringing in your head. it's like you couldn't seem to focus on anything else but what she had told you.

"_____?" j.j. said for the third time as you finally looked up at her.


she furrowed her brows. "is everything okay?"

you let out a sigh, looking down towards the photos of the crime scene.

"yeah, everything is- you know what? no," you said as you suddenly switched the sentence. "everything is not fine. my mom is dissing spence because apparently she now knows him after only meeting him once and not even speaking to him. and she called me twelve times in total while we were trying to give the profile just to tell me she didn't like him."

j.j. sat down next to you as she gave you a small smile.

"i'm sure everything will be okay, ______. you and reid are adults and can do what you want. don't let your mother get into your head," she told you as you let out a small exhale.

"okay, yeah," you replied before the two of you went back to work on the case as the rest of the team walked in.


he looked up from the book he was holding in his hands as he was walking off the jet and through the hallway. you took it out of his hands as he gave you a somewhat confused look.

"you're going to run into someone," you told him as he smiled at you, taking your hand in his before noticing someone. you didn't notice them but reid obviously did.

"do you want to get chinese food tonight because i'm in the mood-" you began but were cut off.

you didn't hesitate to kiss back or to sink into it a little more than usual. you were so caught off guard.

when he let go, you looked up at him with a confused, dazed look in your eyes as he smiled down at you.

"your mom is right there so i thought that i'd do that," he said softly to you as you felt blush arise in your cheeks.

you turned your head to see your mom standing there as she held her purse tightly in her hands to where her knuckles were a yellow white.

"______ ______ _______," she said your full name as you stayed close to reid, slipping your hand into his as you held onto it tightly. your mom was moving closer quickly and you were a little frightened.

reid stepped in front of you when she got to where you were as she looked up at him.

"mr. reid, move out of my way," she said sternly as he shook his head and continued to hold your hand tightly. "i can get you to stop seeing my daughter instantly if i have to."

"pardon my language, but she's a damn adult who can do whatever the hell she wants. if she wants to date tommy or jason, fine. so be it. but she's chosen to date me, i'm not sure why, i'll admit it, but she's decided to date me. you can't split your daughter up from someone who makes her happy just because you might not be," reid said as his usually warm, chocolate brown eyes were now turned a little more stern.

your mom looked between you and reid before huffing.

"excuse me, mr. reid, but i still don't think you're fit for my daughter. she deserves the most brilliant man to match her intelligence and the sweetest man to match her beautiful personality that glows. she deserves only the best and you are not the best," she said as you stepped out more to be beside reid now.

"mom," you began. "he's a certified genius and probably the sweetest guy i'll ever meet. there is a reason why i chose to love him, and it's something that you didn't have with dad and i'm sorry. but i'm happy and you should want the best for your daughter."

she huffed once more, glancing quickly between you two before finally spinning around on her heel and heading out of the building.

you released the tight grip on his hand before pulling him down into a kiss. he let go to speak however, to your dismay.

"_____, do we want to talk about-?" he began but you pulled him back down into a kiss. he de used to just go with the moment as you smiled sweetly into it before letting go.

"no," you replied. "let's go get some chinese, spence."

he chuckled, grabbing your hand in his as the two of you walked out of the building and to your car.

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