one hundred and forty one: casino jealousy

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"you should come home with me tonight," a guy sitting at the bar in the casino said to you. you turned to face him, furrowing your brows at his actions while you tried to pay attention to everyone else in the casino around you. 

"hey, pretty lady," the guy said, moving himself closer to you. "you should come home with me tonight," he repeated himself. you got up to try and move, but the guy grabbed your wrist as he pulled you close to him. "you'll love my place." 

your hand reached into your pocket to press the button to tell hotch and prentiss that you found the guy, but you couldn't compromise the case. you removed your hand from your pocket as you smiled briefly at the guy.

"i'm sorry," you began. "but, i can't. i have a home to get back to."

"what? you got, like, a husband or something?" 

you shook your head. "no, but i have a home to get back to. i have to go."

you really didn't want to press the button if you could avoid it, but the guy wouldn't leave you alone. you tried to take your wrist out of his grasp, but he only held on tighter. you looked off to the side, noticing that morgan was walking into the room. 

"my, uh, my boyfriend is over there," you said, forcing it out as morgan heard you in the earpiece. as did hotch, prentiss, and reid. you knew reid would ask you about it all later. 

"you don't got no boyfriend," the guy said, taking a sip of his drink. "you only have me."

you were freaking out, so you pressed the button anyways because the guy wouldn't let you go. 

morgan rushed over, grabbing the guy and bringing him outside as you saw hotch and prentiss in the hallway as reid was in the doorway. you let out a heavy sigh, running your fingers through your hair.

"what happened in there?" reid asked you while the two of you stood outside.

"the guy wouldn't let go of me," you told him. "he kept telling me i didn't have a boyfriend and trying to convince me to go home with him tonight. i wasn't able to even look around because the guy was completely all over me."

reid nodded, looking down at you.

"that's why you don't bring a woman into a casino on her own. it gives off an impression," reid muttered. you looked up at him.

"i love you," you told him. he looked down at you, giving you a smile that was so sweet, you felt your heart pounding as you turned to look away from him.

"i love you, too," he replied. "but, can we talk about what you said about morgan?" 

you sighed, looking off to the side.

"i was afraid you'd be jealous," you told him, seeing him smile at you still. 

"i wasn't jealous! i'm protective of my girlfriend who i love very much and who i would like to  see tonight at my hotel room," reid said, pulling you close as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. you laughed, looking off to the side before looking back up at him.

"okay, spence," you said gently, pressing your lips to his. "i'll be there."

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