one hundred and five: can't help myself (part six)

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after arriving back at the bau, you were clearly very tired and just wanted to get home to go to sleep. reid got up and told you that he was going to check on something morgan needed his help on and you said that you'd be sitting here, waiting for him to be completely done with whatever he was doing.

elijah saw this as a chance and he got up, grabbing your hand in his as he smiled sweetly at you.

"_____, i need your help with something at my desk."

you sighed. "what is it?"

"a case report," he said.

"you're a rookie. you don't write those. i don't even write those."

elijah nodded.

"i know, but j.j. said that she wanted some extra assistance on the assignment."

you sighed, standing up.

"fine," you muttered as elijah eagerly pulled you out the door with him. he shut the door to the empty office he had you in as he locked the door, causing you to furrow your brows as you questioned what he was doing.

"i finally have you all to myself," he said with a smile that wasn't sweet or sinister. it was possessive. "and this time, i really can't help myself."

you jolted awake in your seat on the plane as everyone looked over at you. your heart was beating a mile a minute as you tried to focus your breathing to calm yourself down.

reid looked over at you in a questioning glance.

the rookie stared right at you, smiling to himself.

he had to know the so called dream was about him.

"_____, you okay?" hotch asked as you nodded, sitting up and clearing your throat.

"yes," you responded. "i'm fine. thanks, hotch."

you tried not to focus on anything too much but the image couldn't leave your mind as you were forcing yourself to stare at reid the whole time to know that you were okay and he was here in case you needed something.

that's when reid knew something was up.

especially if you couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him.

"_____, sweetheart, what the hell happened on the jet?" reid asked you softly in a separate room from the rest of the team. you didn't want to take your eyes off of him.

"i had a dream," you said softly. "about the rookie. he was," you paused, still staring at him as he waited. all you wanted to do was hug him. that's really all you wanted right now.

he sat there still, staring up at you from his seated position, before you pushed yourself into his hold that he now had on you.

"hey, shh, shh," he said gently. "it's okay, sweetheart. just tell me what happened in this dream because you're really starting to worry me."

"he said, in the dream, that he really couldn't help himself now after locking me in a room alone with him," you said, holding onto him tighter as reid cleared his throat, looking off to the side out of the window to see the rookie sorting through photos.

"is this all that happened?" he asked.

you nodded.


"humph," reid muttered, holding back onto you tightly. "if you need anything, sweetheart, i'm here for you. i love you. do not forget that i love and cherish and admire and adore you so, so deeply and dearly."

you smiled to yourself, pulling away to look at him before pressing a kiss to his lips.

"i love you so much too, spence."

reid smiled up at you, admiring you before you went back into his hold.

he looked over at the rookie who looked away from the window as soon as he did.

reid bit the inside of his cheek angrily.

the rookie did not reserve any right to make you feel this way- dream or not.

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