one hundred and seventy six: missing unsub (part three)

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"who is it, ______?" he asked, coming and sitting next to you as he grabbed your hand in his. you looked at him shyly before looking off towards the side of the room. "______, i'm right here. i won't let her hurt you again."

 "her name is abby walters," you said softly, looking off to the side as reid nodded, getting his phone out as he kept his eyes on you. he explained it all to morgan before hanging up and squeezing your hand lightly to get your attention. 

"hey, you're okay, it's going to be okay," he said as you looked up at him.

"you don't understand, spence. look at what she did to me," you said softly, your watery eyes searching his as he let out a small sigh, looking down towards your hand that was bruised. "she did all of this to me because of her feelings. her feelings, spence. imagine what else she will do when she feels threatened."

reid shook his head, holding your hand tighter as he watched your eyes slowly move from his to behind him. he heard the heart rate monitor speed up as you just stared behind him. reid turned around and saw her.

the tall lady with hazel eyes, glasses, and long blonde hair.

abby walters. 

you were sitting there still as a statue with the heart rate monitor beeping faster than reid knew was possible for someone- least likely you. 

"abby," he said, standing up and in front of you as your eyes never left her figure in the doorway. 

she smiled at him. 

"you know my name," she said softly. "what a joy to hear it come from your lips."

internally, you were on fire with jealousy and hatred but externally, you were too scared to do anything. you didn't want to move in fear that she might charge you or try  to do something to you.

"abby, you can't be here," he explained, his hand reaching for yours as he found it and intertwined your hands together. he kept it hidden behind him as you continued to sit still.

"why not? your girlfriend here is strong. took a lot for me to eventually believe she was just gonna die," she muttered. "i guess the gunshot and the knife marks weren't enough to do it."

your heart rate sped up more as reid shook his head, holding out his hand.

"abby, why? why did you go after her?"

she ran a hand through her hair, her other hand behind her back as reid noticed morgan sneaking up behind her with prentiss. your eyes were still glued on abby. 

"why? because she has you! i've wanted you for so many years and look what you did! dated somebody that was so close to me, yet you never even took the time to notice me!" she exclaimed as morgan glanced at reid, waiting for any sort of nod to move forward with getting her under arrest. 

"the world is funny like that, abby. you don't always get what you want. sometimes you just have to move on with your life and find the difference that makes you happy," he said, giving her a gentle smile.

"i am not just giving up and letting her win this!"

"abby," reid spoke calmly. "haven't you hurt her enough?" 

she shook her head, reid noticing that her muscles tensed slightly in the arm that was behind her back. 

"the ultimate hurt would be to steal you from her," she muttered, her arm beginning to move but morgan shot her arm, causing her to fall to the ground as she held onto it. the gun slid towards reid when she fell as he picked it up.

morgan arrested her, getting her into the cuffs, and leading her to a nurse to get her gunshot wound taken care of. reid handed the gun to prentiss who put it in an evidence bag before turning back to you.

you were still sitting still.

"you promised," you said softly. "spence, you promised me."

"hey, hey, baby, how was i supposed to know that she would find you?" he replied as you felt yourself breaking down, tears beginning to flow as he shook his head, pulling you into his lap as you held onto him. he ran his fingers through your hair as he held you close. 

"_______, it's okay, she's gone. i'm here, it's okay," he said softly, trying to calm you down as you kept crying. your heart rate was steadily going back down to normal as you began to feel sleepy again. reid kept you close, holding you until you stopped crying and when you fell asleep. he wasn't feeling okay with leaving you in the room alone at all, and therefore when morgan called him outside of the room to talk to him, he shook his head. he nudged his head towards a sleeping you that was laying in his arms.

morgan nodded, coming inside the room as reid kept you close to him.

"we got abby's wound taken care of," he said, speaking softly as reid nodded, looking back down at you asleep in his arms. his eyes studied your face, admiring everything about it. 

"i made her a promise and i broke it," he said softly, gently moving your hair off of your face. you didn't move from this action, staying fast asleep. "how can i protect her in our own home if i can't do that in a public setting?"

"hey, kid," morgan said, causing him to look up at him. "this is not your fault." 

"try telling me that when she got into this situation because i had to come to work and i left her there," he said, shaking his head. "this is-"

"it is not your fault that somebody took their love to the extremes for no reason other than to create chaos," morgan said, cutting reid off mid-sentence. 

reid looked back down at you, observing the small scratches all over you and the bruises you had earned because of the incident. he shook his head.

"how could i let this happen to her," he said, feeling tears emerging as morgan put a hand on his shoulder gently in order to not wake you up. 

"kid," morgan replied. "nobody doubts that you can protect her. ________ doesn't doubt it either. you can't blame yourself for somebody else's feelings that were taken to the extremeties."

he nodded, still staring at your face as he watched you peacefully sleep in his arms. 

"i'm going to get back to the station," morgan said. "we have some paperwork to do and you two need sleep."

reid nodded, hearing morgan shut the door on the way out of the hospital room.

"i'm so sorry, sweetheart," he said softly to you. "i'm sorry that i can't protect you better." 

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