How can I not feel attracted. I smiled and did the only thing a girl can do when a guy does something romantic.

I like the way he is taking care of my wishes I don't know where is your answer why he didn't came in the room.

But i didn't asked about them.

He is taller than me.

So I hugged him, stood on my tiptoes and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Mehta Uncle did what any male would do.

His hands grabbed my ass cheeks this time directly now my butts cheeks are more free and bubbly because I removed my panty already and he began squeezing and he opened my lips with his tongue and gave me a french kiss.

It was one of the sweetest kisses I ever had in my life. I could feel tingling go up and down my body.

When we broke apart, I moved towards the bed to sit, and uncle stopped me.

Mehta uncle : you can sit on the bed only when you will give me one more piece of your cloth which you are wearing right now.

Sonu : you didn't tell me this condition uncle that I have to remove my clothes whenever I do something.

Mehta uncle : I am adding this condition now if you have any problem you can ask Jethalal he told me to do that.

Sonu : I can understand Jetha uncle always have this kind of ideas for me

Mehta uncle : so what you decided what will you do now

Sonu : I don't know what should I remove I have only 2 pieces of clothes now.

Mehta uncle : umm so decide.

Sonu : is it important.

Mehta uncle : Not until you pay the fees, darling! I won't let you sit. (Uncle said with a leer).

I had no choice, but to remove another piece of clothing and I only had two pieces of clothes on me and didn’t know what to do.

So I told him, “Choose whatever you want uncle”, after all I know his eyes sticked on my boobs cleavage so ask me to remove that only.

Uncle got a wide smile on his face and I was so innocent back then that I did not understand it.

But soon I realized that if a girl ever gives such an offer to a man, chances are that within the next few minutes, she would be laying down and he would be deep inside her, making a sweet lovely mess.

Inside her pussy, ofcourse I mean.But I didn’t know it then. So he thought to choose my pyjamas to get off before my bra.

His eyes grew wide, got a big smile on his face and pounced on me with animalistic lust.

You would think I got scared, but surprisingly, it made me giggle more than get scared.

It was like watching a boy in a candy store. He grabbed me by my sholders and held me tightly against his body.

Should I remove myself baby?? Uncle asked.

I nod.

He grabbed my back over the exposed mid section below bra with one hand and my neck with the other.

He leaned my head back and pressed his lips on mine.

His stare caught my eyes and it was so sharp and deep that it made me loosen all over – including my lips and his tongue made into my mouth.

When he let me go, I realized that my arms were around his neck too and was as much filled with lust as uncle.

I really didn't wanna get fucked by Mehta uncle right now.

But I am ready if he play with my boobs suck my boobs let me suck his cock I am ready for all that and I know that would be to pleasurable  for Mehta uncle at this moment.

I am kissing him.

“Wow sonu, your lips and tongue are so sweet”, uncle said as he leaned down once more to lick my lips, “I wanted to do that for so long since jethalal told me about you.

That was new to me to know that you have lust over me.

“Years”, he replied.

I was so surprised, since I thought Mehta uncle liked me only after jetha uncle began told him about me.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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