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When suddenly I notice that Dev is standing behind sonu, and gently he start rubbing his cock on Sonu's ass.

But she didn't reacted in anyway maybe she might have not notice.

But now I can see Dev's both hands on her waist.

It’s looks like if he is trying holding her and trying to fuck her ass with her and his clothes on.

Now I am not able to describe. I know I am the one who told my girlfriend to try this flirting with Dev.

But I don't know why for the very first time in my life I am getting jealous of someone when he is touching my girlfriend.

Maybe I am not liking the satisfaction on the face of my girlfriend with any other boy.

Sonu's point of view

I didn't know that my flirting will work this good on Dev he really start taking interest in the project I know the reason is me not the project.

And he is doing much more too.

He is rubbing his cock on my ass what should I do i dont know.

But from here there is no way out.

But like this I don't know how much he will focus on the work because I am not sure like this I will focus on work too.

But what's wrong tapu himself told me to flirt with him.

I can't do anything now if this is getting out of hands.

This project will go long and I cannot leave.

What should I do…ahhhhh (soft moan).

Dev (asked me teasingly like he didn't know what happen) : what happen sonu?

Sonu : nothing.

I am not wearing panty.

His cock is growing over my butt line and I can feel everything as if I am not even wearing anything even when my trousers are there.

The cloth of my trouser is so thin.

Thanks to the trouser of Dev else his hard rod will poke me hard.

I am getting crazy but I know I should be in my limit because whatever dev is doing, is doing without my permission. It's kinda abuse.

Stay tuned

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