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Now the party goes like this after that, Sonu behave well and the other one will be in their control as well.

This is the party for Teenage people so everyone are enjoying in their own way. Except the tapu sena as Anjali is there, and all of them know whatever will happen here will go to their houses directly because of Anjali.

As she informed their parents if she saw them doing dirty dances and all.

All of them tried to behave too good in front of her.

Sonu, Pinku, Gogi all are so upset with Goli right now because he didn't even inform them that she is going to come here.

Presence of Anjali just doing all the fun for them in this party now they have to just eat and go back soon to their home.

Anjali : I thought this party must be hot and happening but you all are so boring.

Goli : umm.... it all was really hot and happening aunty before you came but now we all are in control because of you.

Anjali : ohh really... Hahaha.... you all doesn't need to spoil your party, enjoy in your own way I don't mind and don't worry I will keep my mouth shut.

Gogi : ohh really aunty... Come jheel.

Jheel pinched him.

Anjali : ohh... Gogi and jheel... Good. (Smirk and tease) now... Go guys.. Don't blame me later. Look there...

Points towards the girl and guy kissing in the middle of dance floor.

Sonu : it is not like that aunty we didn't have any plan like these kind of people do. We are such an innocent in the comparison of these peeps.

Anjali : don't act innocent Sonu.... I know you well.

Sonu felt the cold sweat right now.

Because when somebody says that he or she knows about you then all the things you did right or wrong came in front of your eyes automatically.

And just some days ago Sonu had sex with anjali's husband in her flat only.

She just smiled and avoid answer to Anjali.

Anjali didn't said anything more than this she just cheering everyone in Tappu sena to go and enjoy the party.

When all of them scold Goli to call Anjali there with him.

In the reply of this Goli told them that Anjali told her clearly not to tell anything to them about her.

He said sorry.

Stay tuned. .

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