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She make encircle her middle finger around his fat dick and touch it to the tip of her thumb.

Sonu : ohh fuck...you are not bad goli.

She gripped his dick with her palms.

His dick is much longer than sonu's fists placed one after the other gripping his dick.

She took out her tongue and rested his dick and starts slurping the lollipop she get.

She pulled it inside her mouth.

She begin to suck his dick.

His banana shaped curved dick get straight.

Now his entire 6.5 inches dick pointed straight like a canon in her mouth.

Sonu had a long hot tongue.

She took the entire length of his dick in her mouth that almost touched her tonsils.

The thickness is little bit troubling her but the length Goli have is lesser than in all of them she already have.

She pulls the dick out of her mouth, his fat dick is sparkling with her saliva on it.

Drops of her own saliva dripped down on her from my dick.

She is ready to give him a round of magnificent blowjob.

She continue taking it in and out continuously without taking a breath her breath is getting heavier even Goli is getting restless right now.

Don't know what but something is making him crazy and he is not ready to unload his cock right now with the oral pleasure only.

But he is not expected anything else that's why he is doing his best to release his cum into her mouth.

To feel more pleasure which make him ready to unload his load of cum.

He starts grabbing her boobs, by taking off her bra and top from her boobies.

Goli is feeling that he is closed to the climax. But just some seconds before he get a climax.

Sonu and Goli heard a scream of Anjali.

It was not that loud, but kitchen is not too far from the bedroom of Anjali.

That makes Sonu get up suddenly and Goli didn't reach his climax.

But he loved the way Goli gets the blowjob from his only girl childhood friend.

Sonu : let's fix the clothes Goli and let's go inside the bedroom don't know what happened?

Goli : I think we should not go into the bedroom right now we can better guess that what is going on there?

Sonu : okay but still we should be there and tapu is my boyfriend.

Goli : don't mind Sonu but Tappu didn't care about your feeling when he want something he just grab it.

Sonu : I don't think so I know he loves me and if he having fun then why I will stop him.

Goli : so who stopped you having fun in your life too.

Sonu : I don't want too.

Stay tuned for more

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