Sonu : ohh then we will eat something too.

Tappu : I am actually hungry for something else now. (winked at me).

I realized that my pussy was gonna get rammed today again so I should make my cunt ready.

And my lust for dick was going to get fulfilled tonight again without regrettion tonight because it is going to be with my boyfriend.

My father is not at home to it is easy today.

I smiled at him and we went out for having food.

Tappu didn't have any interest in the pizza slice which is right in front of him he is getting desperate to eat me.

And caressing my thighs.

Sonu (blushing) – What are you doing, baby?

Tappu (whispering in my ears) – Don’t you like it? A guy touching you everywhere, you only told me today that you like it.

Sonu : don't make me feel guilty Tapu.

Tappu : so don't think that with any other guy. It's me not goli. By the way I know you like him if he do that.

I was shocked by listening to his words.

His words passed a current in my body.

My pussy was really getting wet because of his words.

He told me that we should go back to  club house, there we will talk But it had a twist which I didn’t expect.

As soon as we entered the club house, tapu just pushed me towards the table tennis table and started touching all over my body.

I closed my eyes and started taking deep breaths. From my waist, he moved his hand towards my butts and started pressing them passionately.

I was just taking deep breath and holding him tightly.

With his full pressure on my butt cheeks, I started moaning, “Aaaaahhhh..ahhhhhhh baby”.

He started kissing my neck and I was just holding his head, pushing him to lick and kiss my neck more passionately.

It continued for 5 minutes. And I had my first orgasm without touching my pussy with fingers.

My legs started shivering and I was like, “Ummmmmmm..ooohhhhhh”. He knew that I had my orgasm.

He stopped and looked in my eyes and was smiling naughtily at me.

Tappu : remember my baby that still only I have the power to make you cum without touching your pussy.

We were just starting a foreplay when my father voice came to my ears.

Me and tapu both are scared of my father a lot so he told me to go out and manage the situation and he hide himself in the Clubhouse.

Sonu : I am so sorry baby but don't worry I will not make you wait this time so long I will be back to you very soon.

Tappu : I hope so my love.

Sonu give me a kiss.

Tappu : remember my dear girlfriend that you are mine to don't give everything to everyone.

Sonu : ok ok stop teasing me.

Tappu : I am not teasing you baby you are really getting so naughty these days.

Sonu : yups i know.

Tappu : so don't be naughty with everyone.

Sonu : yes I will control myself but I am giving you duty to control your Tappu sena everyone have their eye on me and I can't control them you know that very well.

Tappu : okay don't worry I will talk to them very clearly about this.

Sonu : yes bye.

Tapu said bye and sonu left.

Stay tuned for next chapter

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